The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Old Crow is brutal. I managed to drink a shitload of bad whiskey this weekend myself. Now my innards are suffering.
I'm feeling some of that this morning. Did you know that they shut down the Old Crow operation in 1987, and what you get now is the Jim Beam that doesn't get past their QC? Found this out too late. Apparently Old Grand Dad is the exact same thing as Jim Beam after they bought that operation as well.

Alter: I'm on the NW side, Dunning.
Listening to Burzum and realizing I have done nothing productive this entire weekend. I did help throw an awesome surprise party for my friend. I also played a shitload of Halo last night/today.

Also, MOL you are incredibly lucky that beer is cheaper than soda where you are.
Same, sort of. I planned on doing my teacher observation report but ended doing other work most of the time. And most of today I was in a fog since I'm fighting off a cold.

Hopefully I'm over it by Tuesday since I have to read some Latin poetry in front of a couple hundred freshmen.
better metahl scream than krigs:

oh that's fairly obviously not me, I just like it
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Just got done with an epic religious debate with a fundie cousin of mine. 'Twas fun, if a bit frustrating. I did get him to admit that whether we go to Heaven or not is pre-determined, and that it requires a leap of faith to believe that the claims in the Bible are valid, so I'd say that was progress. Hopefully he'll eventually become a little more open-minded, or at least just learn to shut up about his beliefs.
it's to 2:15 AM

I have school in about 6 and a half hours, I haven't gone to bed yet and I've just realised I've got a fucking huge essay to write that counts towards my overall qualification. For today.

Yeah. Shit.

I'm listening to Pariah - The Kindred album.
realizing I have done nothing productive this entire weekend.

:kickass: Same here.

Lectures don't start till next Monday, and I've got an x-box 360 all week.
T'is gonna be a lazy week.
Already 10% through Saints Row, in two half days (was hungover for the first half of them both) though. Impressive considering alot of my time was spent just driving around murdering people and robbing stores.
Just got back from an exam which I totally sucked dick in, revised all the wrong shit as usual. Sent an email to the Uni office to book an appointment with a disability officer! Woop, hoping to scam a free laptop, and now relaxing, waiting for the right time to make a tuna sandwich. Meow.
Having the worst fucking runny nose ever. AAAARRRRGGG

edit: Jesus fucking christ. It is like having water pour out of my nose whilst it is simultaneously plugged. How the fuck does that happen?
Procrastinating about going to bed because then my long weekend is officially over and this coming week is supposedly going to be the hottest weather we've had continuously in a hundred years or more so quite frankly I'm not looking forward to working in it.