The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I am currently EXTREMELY pissed off. I got one of those free trial Xbox 360 accounts on my 360 and wanted to make my offline profile online. My profile was ichor-net offline, but when I tried to make the same name online and migrate everything, I apparently couldn't use the dash between the two parts of my name. So, I just put ichor net. Then I hit OK. Blah blah blah, now ALL my saves and ALL my achievements are gone. My previous profile is GONE. I never said anything about deleting my other profile. Why the hell are saved games fucking stored on profiles WTF!?
I am currently EXTREMELY pissed off. I got one of those free trial Xbox 360 accounts on my 360 and wanted to make my offline profile online. My profile was ichor-net offline, but when I tried to make the same name online and migrate everything, I apparently couldn't use the dash between the two parts of my name. So, I just put ichor net. Then I hit OK. Blah blah blah, now ALL my saves and ALL my achievements are gone. My previous profile is GONE. I never said anything about deleting my other profile. Why the hell are saved games fucking stored on profiles WTF!?

Yeah that sounds pretty frustrating.

One of the (many) things that are so nice about PC games. You rarely have to worry about bullshit screwups with your saved data since you actually have control over the hardware the data is on.

Anytime I actually accomplish a lot in a console game, I always feel a little anxiety over having to trust a cartridge or memory card with all my progress. You just know something's going to fuck up sooner or later. :erk:
Anytime I actually accomplish a lot in a console game, I always feel a little anxiety over having to trust a cartridge or memory card with all my progress. You just know something's going to fuck up sooner or later. :erk:
Like a harddrive? They tend to fuck up from time to time too you know. :)
Finally got the achievement for completing a campaign on expert difficulty in Left 4 Dead. That shit's hard.
Drinking coffee and about to get ready for work a bit early since I have to shovel and clean the snow off my car. I honestly cannot wait for winter to be over and done with.
Yeah, but I don't see the problem, you can backup your memory cards just as easy as your harddrive?

Yeah, but you still have to buy another memory card for the console to do that. PC data can be stored on CD-Rs (ridiculously cheap) or USB sticks (still a lot cheaper than console memory, and more portable too).
is it just me or does the MDDM logo look like it's made out of beef jerky?

Due to the ridiculous snowstorm we had, I only had to work for about an hour before a class 3 emergency was declared for the county before I went home, so right now I am drinking a white russian and listening to Bolt Thrower