The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Just finished a bowl of creamy noodles, now listening to Dimmu Borgir - Spiritual Black Dimensions and fucking around on the internet.
Which Chaos God? My Necrons would rape you.

Well, this will be my third chaos army. I had one sold it when the new models came out years ago, sold that when I quit for a while, and Now I am starting a new one for the release of the new Chaos codex this week. I am getting back into 40k after being away for a few years. I used to play iron warriors. However, the new codex focuses on smaller Renegade chaos war bands and less on the original Traitor Legions and Cult armies.

I am in the process of trying to develop my own renegade army. I do not think i am going to dedicate it to any particular god. I may move towards a certain God after playing with the new army a while and seeing which units I prefer with the new rules. I am keeping my options open for now. I really need to figure out a paint scheme soon. It is tough because Games Workshop has used a lot of the good color combo's for their legions and I want to do something unique.

I have been playing Chaos on and off for the last 7-8 years, so I am excited to get back into it.
i am slightly irritated and finishing my math homework with Red Stripe by my side:kickass: