The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Jim says:
they're probably getting banzorred
Jim says:
which is laughable
Adam Hirst says:
who is
Jim says:
if your gettin moar ass than a toilet seat a temp-on ban from a forum is hardly going to be the end of the world
Jim says:
the guy who posted the pic on the metal furm
Adam Hirst says:
Adam Hirst says:
Jim says:
I hate living in hornsea
Jim says:
I know it doesn't get your seal of approval but I'd quite like to be doing one night stands...
Jim says:
ugh it's going to be years
Adam Hirst says:
it gets my official seal of fail
Jim says:
I actually loled
Adam Hirst says:
Because you're a faget.

Gonna watch Labyrinth, or Willow, or Sweeny Todd. Jewed them off my flatmate.
Then gonna move to Lidls and pick up a bottle of vodka and some crappy redbull.
Low on cash, hence much pre-drinking is required before some girls party tonight.
So I went outside to have a walk in the woods and also to have a shit outside in the woods and when I was wiping my ass with a leaf a dog ran to me and started licking my balls for no apparent reason. I was like WTF, a dog licking my balls? And I was really scared of him biting off these balls of mine because it was a big dog so I was all like "good dog, good dog" and I slowly put my pants on but he pulled them back down with his teeth and I was like "dude, you really like my balls" and while licking my balls he started wanking with his front paws and he came after a minute. I wanted to leave him then but he wouldn't let me and now he's here at my place and he wants to get married. Seriously, I'm scared he'll force me to marry him. WTF, life's such a bitch, it just doesn't let you make your own decisions sometimes and all goes somewhat wrong.
Didn't you hear only faggots drink red bull

I think you'll find I drink Maxxed Up.

Vodka + redbull = bad idea.


Joe consumes that shit in his sleep apparently. One or two is ok imo, but not all night.

I fucking love the shit. Yet to feel any bad effects from it yet.

Vodka and Redbull is for pussies

Then again, I drink Screwdrivers all the time :erk:

Vodka mixed with basically anything is win.
You can't go wrong.