The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

counting the minutes until lunch. then after that, the fun begins... i get to visit the dentist to remove this splint and find out that my tooth is dead and i need a root canal
Fuckyeah. I love the scene where the dad is telling off the kid after he pisses all over the food, the acting is incredible.

This film is up there with Evil Dead/The Toxic Avenger/Flesh Gordon etc. : D
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Zephyrus said:
A friend from high school goes there. He's semi-retarded.
That's the general impression I've gotten from them. They don't understand order of operations and one of my dad's students got pissed at him when he used the word "spurious." :confused:
I don't believe you'd need a root canal on a dead tooth. Those things are expensive, so it would be nice to avoid.

its lookin like 2 root canals and crowns. but i'm military, so i wont be paying for it out of pocket.

when a tooth dies its usually because the nerve and whatnot get severed. it can then get infected from the inside out and turn black. they do the root canal to prevent the pulp from getting infected and rotting. easier to just remove the possibility of a problem
my stupid Ipod fell apart, literally, and now the weird orange wires inside connecting the parts broke too. Its beyond fucked now.

Did you do anything that could've caused it to do that? I've dropped mine countless times, many times on concrete and asphalt, I never keep it in a case, the screen is loose from 2.5 years of abuse and it still works perfectly.
Enjoying that I found out how to convert romanized Chinese into Chinese characters.
