The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Writing my Latin paper, which means copying a bunch of Latin texts and translating them, then analyzing them. So I'm copying and translating everything now and will do all my analysis later.

My reward will be this authentic Mexican restaurant to go to for dinner. Fish enchiladas con mole = God.
Being impressed by how well Angel Dust - Legions of Destruction and a video of a cute swedish girl getting butfucked sync.
Been cleaning my room and updating my financial spreadsheet, so I feel nice and productive today. The room really fucking needed it.

My next plan is to transcribe some of my backlog of paper notes to computer files. Some of them go back at least five years. Just little shit like story/music ideas, personal notes, whatever. Definitely would be nice to have less of this random paper lying around.
im in a state of omg i just had a murger.
my mate put me onto it, a man-burger. bacon, sausage, and a quarter pounder with cheese.
my arteries are clogging as i type :D

Would you mind mailing me one of those, my good sir?

I am currently in need of a manly fucking burger myself.
Nothing. I'm so happy. Mistakes were made on my taxes and I get back 958 dollars instead of 6 something and get my money in about a week. fuck yes
Just had two rather manly fucking burgers myself. Not quite as manly as Joe's, but they did have garlic and cheddar.

Nothing. I'm so happy. Mistakes were made on my taxes and I get back 958 dollars instead of 6 something and get my money in about a week. fuck yes

Don't spend it all on pills and hookers.

...Oh wait, that was almost an hour ago. I'm probably already too late.