The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Got me a hamster. Will post pics later. Cool little fellow. Got a black bear instead of a teddy bear hamster. He likes to run. He freaked out a bit when I put him in the cage, sniffed the hut where the old hamster slept, then hopped on the wheel. He hasn't stopped running yet.

Of coarse you are going to use that energy from the hamster running on a wheel to create an electric force, which will then power the lights to make it large enough to create something so bright that you can see from another planet, which then the aliens from the other planets will go towards it to investigate it, but we capture them, and do certain studies to find out if they can have sex with us to create a new life form, which then will take over the world, and we will find out that he really is the anti-christ, and then the world will be doomed.

You do plan on that right?
Of coarse you are going to use that energy from the hamster running on a wheel to create an electric force, which will then power the lights to make it large enough to create something so bright that you can see from another planet, which then the aliens from the other planets will go towards it to investigate it, but we capture them, and do certain studies to find out if they can have sex with us to create a new life form, which then will take over the world, and we will find out that he really is the anti-christ, and then the world will be doomed.

Typing crazy crap into tbot in Chinese by rapidly pressing random letters. And then translating it back into English.

afiun heated home people afraid of hot Apple mastmer teachers'competition, hot dog house be afraid of his forehead against the State average slapthe Jack stock mastmer average thermal woman from Tangchi countries if the parents
recovering from last...
got more drunk than i ever have in my life... puked my guts out and fell asleep in the bathroom. a friend of mine walked in (also drunk) and took a leak while standing over me and ended up pissing on my leg then he turned the fucking water on full blast and left the bathroom. :lol:
:lol: nice, that reminds me of back in the day we messed this bitches house party up something fierce. One of my buddies pissed in her shampoo bottles and i turned the back sink on full blast. Next thing we know an hour later the keg is floating in 2 inches of water. :lol: but she was a total twat that deserved it tbh won't get into details
A few weeks ago, I got two friends fucked up, it was the first time for one of them. Both of them ended up in the bathroom, puking in the shower and toilet. Then, one of the guys decided to take a shit with the other guy curled up between his legs :lol:
Disturbing. The worst that happened last week was my friend doing like 4 shots of whiskey, us fucking with him while buzzed and him emerging from us merely fucking with him a bit as a disturbed and paranoid drunk crying and trying to attack me a few times :lol: Then he threw up in bed.
I'm out of beer, which makes me sad. I'm one more away from truly going to my happy place. Will probably go to bed soon. I've been going to bed earlier, having to wake up early to watch basketball games. I consider 11 a.m. early.
I slept from like midnight to 4 AM, which is weird because I'd only been up for eight hours after having slept for 13 before that.