The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Just had an epic night with the juggling club. We met at 3 PM and juggled for two hours then went to the dining hall for dinner, staying in there from 5 to 9, then went to a dorm basement and juggled another 7 hours. I went to bed at 4:30.
I'm gonna go have some beers with our drummer in few minutes. I've been drinking quite a lot last three days. It's only like 5 beers + something a day, but it's pretty constant and I'd almost like a rest from that heavenly pilsner fucking mana. Almost. But the fact that I drink the best beer on this planet makes me go again. Seriously. BITCH BITCH BITCH.
I'm gonna go have some beers with our drummer in few minutes. I've been drinking quite a lot last three days. It's only like 5 beers + something a day, but it's pretty constant and I'd almost like a rest from that heavenly pilsner fucking mana. Almost. But the fact that I drink the best beer on this planet makes me go again. Seriously. BITCH BITCH BITCH.
I'm a big fan of pilsner but I can only afford cheap Canadian made kinds. You are a lucky man.
The day starts to end, the sun goes down, there will never be another day the exact same like it was today. The only thing we have left of this day are memories, some good, others bad. Then you wish that you could be back where you were before. Sometimes you feel like you didn't soak in the enjoyment like you wish you did. You took what were doing for granted. It's the simplest little things that give us enjoyment in life. It's usually when there isn't much money involved, just surviving on this planet like we should be. Not much extra, just perfect the way you want to be.
Struggling to find a Chinese blog where I can download movies in Mandarin that don't look like shit.
Sadness is just like any other emotion. It's good to be sad. Just like it is to happy. It shows that we really are human, and not a machine. It's good to cry. It's good to be afraid of things. It's good to laugh or smile. Non of us are perfect. Nature wants us to not be perfect. But then again, what is perfection? Just going outside, when it is a nice day can feel like perfection. Enjoying the sun. Other times, the cold rain can feel like perfection to some. Or the icy snow which falls on your head, and fills the landscape around you.
I'm indeed going to listen to your show. No requests today, I'm going to listen, and maybe I will learn some new bands that I enjoy.

nvm about the no request part.
That's right, stuff that chubby-wubby face.

Just picture those arteries cloggin' up with each lick. Mmm... tighter... tighter... mmm, I can feel the circulation cutting off. My blood-fat level's passing .40. Someone call the doctor, this is the big one!
That's right, stuff that chubby-wubby face.

Just picture those arteries cloggin' up with each lick. Mmm... tighter... tighter... mmm, I can feel the circulation cutting off. My blood-fat level's passing .40. Someone call the doctor, this is the big one!

I just spent over an hour at a CiCi's Pizza. I think I have less time than that to live.
I'm actually about to toast my health with some delicious Cadbury Creme Eggs. God, I love those fucking things. Easter is the best.