The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Just decided to try out some database theory homework since it's due at 10 tonight, and was surprised at how much of it I was able to answer, considering how bored I usually am in class and how little of the professor's lectures I absorb.

Now the project that's due in two weeks, that's gonna suck hard. Not looking forward to that shit.
I told Deron to clean all the crap in the controversial opinions thread (including mine), but he didn't because he's a FAGGOT that's right I said it.
Been doing this gigantic stupid data entry job at work for the past few days. Probably the most absurdly, mind-numbingly boring experience I've ever had in my life. I want to blow my brains out.
thinking my boss looks better wearing those goofy plastic sunglasses her eye doctor gave her.

but its hard to take her seriously with those things on.