The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

yeah, but i like cd's. i'm a collector.

i'm currently reading through the comcast site. what a fucking racket. an extra 10$ a month because i dont have comcast already.
when i buy a new cd, i buy it because i want to listen to it. and i do so immediatly. if you download more than you can listen to right then, do you really care what your downloading?

Personally, I'm a pretty picky listener, so I'd want to know what's on an album before I get it. I don't have a lot of money to be tossing around on music at this point in time, so I want what I buy to be something I enjoy. My eventual goal, of course, is to own everything I listen to regularly. But I don't consider it important to 'care' about every first-time listening experience. To me it's more important to have discriminating taste.
I'm at work & I can't wait to go home, jerk off, & listen to one of the 150 sum odd albums I have downloaded on my computer that I haven't listened to yet. I also have a smooth 12 pack sitting in the fridge that I may bust into. $7.99 for a bottle 12 pack of Bud Light at Publix = good deal huh?


Oh yeah Bro, if you downloaded more music you could save even more money.

Oh yeah dood, stealing music is hella cool, and easy on the wallet! Never mind the bands that work crappy day jobs and slave over their art for fuck all return because the music they play doesn't sell heaps anyway. What's needed are more brainless leeches like yourself who are ready to screw them over just that little bit more.

Goddammit, this fucktard could be even more irritating than Dave.
I haven't seen any of that here. People seem to be (relatively) restrained from what I was expecting, but I also don't seek out the people who are retarded.

Satanstoenail: Support from me. I think the only downloaded things I have on my comp is an obscure BM album from China which I would buy in an instant if I saw it and some demo/compilation tracks. Support the artists!
In today's installment of "Zephyrus Translates Latin", we see Cicero once again publicly castigating Cataline and his conspirators for endeavoring to destroy the beloved Repubic. He just couldn't get enough of this guy.
Both of my shift keys on my previous keyboard stopped working; it really pissed me off because I had to use the caps lock for capital letters, and I had to use wikipedia's ASCII article for special characters.
Just got back from my dads house. I got to skip out of work at 2 last night because no one came. There was a huge fight on thursday and now this guy is suing the club I work at, so thats why no one came last night. This guy that was there thursday got out of control and started punching one of the bouncers. Well, another bouncer trying to protect himself and others took one of those large (longer than a foot and really heavy too) flashlights and just started hitting this guy in the head. There was blood everywhere. Everyone was screaming for the bouncer to stop but he didnt and for the rest of the night my dad was washing blood off the side of the building. The guy was very badly hurt, Bo(flashlight bouncer) was fired, and now my manager is freaking out cause her ass is in the hot seat for it. I feel so badly for her.

Other than that I may go biking or running in a few minutes, its a little rainy here though. And finally the guy from eBay emailed me back and im pretty sure i'm getting refunded in full. :)
...Bo took one of those large (longer than a foot and really heavy too) flashlights...

A maglite? And that's a pretty sick story.

Anyway, I'm just about to get dressed and be on my way. I've got a show tonight. We've got two scripted sketches for this one and we didn't really get either of them down solid at our last rehersal. Oh well! We'll just have to run it a few times before 8:00. And who the fuck needs a script anyway? We don't need no stinking scripts.