The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Chilling out being 35 squids richer :D

The chinese went fine in the end.

Only a pair of drunk women (Who are always generally sweary but happy) and a drunk van driver bloke who was entertaining. Even the more chavy ones were alright. In fact the most annoying were the emo-y ones, in skinny jeans and overly elaborately designed hoodies. Kept making noise while I tried to take phone orders.
@TIACN: Yea thats what you call it, I forgot.

I went to go excercise and my knee hurt a lot so I rolled up my sweatpants and my whole knee is bruised. It looks like I burst a blood vessels and hit it on something hard. It hurts:cry:
ive been evicted from my desk. so now i have to use random computers to get my internet fix. it sucks.

np: nothing, because all my music was saved to my desktop.
I'm stressing over a bitch.

It's because she adopted piglets and now you don't know what to do, isn't it.
Down in my friends' room watching football and borrowing their wireless signal. I just went biking for an hour during which I circumnavigated the island. I love this weather.