The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Just ran a 7:19 mile, better than last time so at least its an improvement. Now I think I might reactivate my WoW account since tomorow is my last exam and I will have a lot of extra time.
Yesterday was my Stat AP. I came in at 11:15 and ate lunch with my friends because there was no food at home. The test started at 12 and we didn't get to leave till past 4:30. The room was fucking freezing because the AC was running even though it was cold that day and they couldn't turn it off. The test was pretty easy because my stat teacher is a badass who kicked the shit out of us all year. Her students are expected to get 4s and 5s. Pretty sure I got a 5. Went home and watched Doctor Who.
Today I had 2 and half hours free in the middle of the day, so I went home, worked on a song idea I had at lunch, watched an episode of Arrested Development, and then went back to school.
Tonight I have to write an essay and read some Virginia Woolf, but I'm gonna blow that off and go watch some more Arrested Development and then work on the song some more.
Chili for dinner.
Things are good right now.
I just found out some great news regarding a position I applied for at work. It's not more money, but the hours are better and the type of work I'll be doing is more enjoyable. :D