The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Sounds like my first year in compsci.

Not sure if there's still time, but if you have questions PM me.
Everyone I know including myself is getting a new job :)

It rules! The best thing about it is that since I'm still working for the same company, I'm not losing any of the vacation time I've earned or my health benefits.

I just talked to the manager in charge of the project I'll be working on and I start Monday at 9:00am. :D
That's pretty sweet. Congrats.

Personally I'm not in so great a position as my internship boss finally decided to cut my hours back down from 30 a week to 8 a week starting the 18th - essentially a 'layoff', if you could really consider it a job to begin with. Didn't come as a surprise at all since I've pretty much been a fifth wheel here for months.

Fortunately I'm applying for jobs in the D.C. area, which is one of the best places to get something these days. I've been kinda skimpy on the apps so far due to all the school shit I've had to work on, but obviously I'll be going into apps full swing once the semester ends.

I guess the semester would end on the 15th at the latest, since I would be graduating the day after that. I'll probably be turning in work throughout much of next week.
Yeah, I'm hoping all will go well so that I may celebrate complete winnage at life and liberation from two decades of educational slavery by the time MDF comes around. :)
We shall celebrate indeed.

I have awoken early to be a good student and do some reading/writing for my second to last homework for Short Story class this semester. It's been a good class actually.
shopping for airfare. just to see how much it would cost to visit all 5 disney parks in one around the world trip. anyone care to lend me 5 grand? that doesnt even account for hotel and tickets!
Have an AP tomorrow. Not studying. I don't need to, really. But yeah...bored, a bit. Not really feeling like playing guitar.