The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Sounds kinda like this thing on Unsolved Mysteries taht had me scared for years. Some weird thing that like bit the back of sheeps heads and sucked their blood out. Pretty creepy.
I won't go into my religious beliefs or anything, but not too long ago I started questioning some stuff. As I was looking at a site specifically about what I was questioning, my fucking refrigerator moved. A good 7-8 inches. I about had a heart attack. None of my friends like coming over here (we practice in the basement) because there's always this creepy feeling and footsteps downstairs. I've learned to accept it and not freak too much. Unless I'm alone. At night. Which is 5 nights a week. Lol.
Funny how people who see ghosts also happen to be people who believe in them.

I don't believe in them. I've had situations occur where I could easily say I've 'seen' them, 'felt' them, 'heard' them. But 'they' are merely 'those' without 'moop'. In other words, I'm just a little crazy and paranoid. Or telekenetic. Who knows? Jesus maybe?
If you have never seen one, what reason would you have to believe that they existed?

My dad said he saw one and he's not the type to bullshit about that type of thing, he's pretty serious (read extremely grumpy) most of the time.
Funny how people who see ghosts also happen to be people who believe in them.

Actually, no.

I was adamantly opposed to any kind of afterlife, spirits, etc.

One night about 6 years ago, not long after I moved into my current home I was sitting in the living room when I started to hear extremely loud rustling noises in the back room of the house. I assumed someone was breaking in so I went to investigate and when I got to the dining room, which just before you get to the back room - it all stopped. I opened the door, and nothing was amiss.

Not long after that, I hear a similar noise in the same back room so I go and look, what do I find? Two yellow labs are playing. However.. all of my doors and windows were locked, as well as the gate leading into my property Also, the nearest person to me is over a mile away, so no one was just fucking with my head.
Just finished my last bottle of this with my girlfriend. Oh yeah i gto a new girfliend.

Yeah it is. Finished 2 bottles of it in Prague and brought one back because its so cheap.

The stuff itself is lethal, one shot from the cap is fucking mental on its own, i mainly mixed it with small amounts of coke. I may be able to find a video of me downing the stuff if i look hard enough.