The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

That said, you shouldn't go that far in advertising your exploits. Think of the children!

He warped my precious innocent mind :(

Now all i can think of table time and ear penetration

EDIT: Talking of penetration, does it make me a bad person that I was just walking along, having my normal thoughts, when I came up with "That's why I love fucking newborns, they got the extra hole in the back of their head". And proceeded to laugh to myself?
just got back from the show. had an awesome time. it was nice meeting divine torture. we will have to jam again!

now im gonna sleep
Realising there is a distinct correlation between number of paddy's posts, and the humour they cause.

The more he posts, the less funny they get.

Eating toasties, drinking tea. Gonna start on the booze later. Pub quiz tonight :D We gon's fail.
Just woke up. Out late from playing the gig with Kastigation last night. Went just as bad as I'd thought haha. We didn't fuck up too terribly, but there were some mistakes. Either way it was fun. And Kastigation kicks ass live, btw.
