The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

You did well for your first show (or second, I can't remember which it was). I felt that asking which of you was "divine torture" would be a dorky thing to do IRL. So I just made sure to say something to everyone in your band.

3 of the members of the first band that played were in the the band that headlined our first show, and they hadn't seen us since. We've improved a lot over the last year, apparently. Glad you enjoyed it.

Haha, I was the front man. I called Ryan, and almost said "Is this genocide roach?".

I felt it went ok. This is the first time any of us played a show together. We've all been in other bands playing either death or thrash, so playing together doing the black metal stuff is different. We made some mistakes, but at least everyone kept going... Acheronian Dirge put on quite the show as well.
Studying up for another job interview I've got this morning over the phone. God this shit is stressful.
Just woke up. Out late from playing the gig with Kastigation last night. Went just as bad as I'd thought haha. We didn't fuck up too terribly, but there were some mistakes. Either way it was fun. And Kastigation kicks ass live, btw.

thanks man.

all the bands that night were awesome. i was hella stoked to see acheronian dirge. totally awesome live
Whew. Over with.

Only thing I really flubbed up as far as I can tell was when she asked me why I became a compsci major, and after talking about how programming is fun to do in my spare time, etc. etc. I kinda trailed off, and after a couple seconds told her my mind had blanked, and asked to get back to the question later. I hate it when I ramble off on something, forget what I was originally talking about, and completely blank out. Happened once at the Lockheed interview too.
I hate phonecalls.

I'm alright if people call me, and I'm fine talking to them in person.

But if I have to call someone I get all nervous. I'm fine when I'm on the phone, but I'll sit there nervously not calling for hours on end :p
Just finished my last final. Now I'm just waiting an hour for the bell to ring then it's the fucking summer!

Shitty last day outside though.
Yeah, it's why I would hate working at a call center (although you usually work from a script so it wouldn't be too terrible) or doing sales as I'm pretty awful at selling stuff.
Yeah I suck at phonecalls, especially when leaving answering-machine messages. I can never make them quick and to-the-point unless I rehearse it a few times.

And I can't stand when I'm expecting a phone call. It's almost as bad as waiting to be picked up.
@Ozzman: Working at call centers sucks. I know from experience. People are much bigger dicks over the phone than they would be in person because of the un-personal nature of a call vs in person.
@Ozzman: Working at call centers sucks. I know from experience. People are much bigger dicks over the phone than they would be in person because of the un-personal nature of a call vs in person.

I'd like to work at one for a bit just to see if it's as terrible as people say it is. Same goes for food service.
I was actually thinking of applying for one later today. I dont take anything personally and it's alot of fun to let someone get extremely pissy with you and keep responding to them nicely... letting them boil over until they hang up because they dont get a reaction.