The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Kids don't bother me too much but I am not easily annoyed

Most dont... that one drove me to the brink of insanity.

Considering everyone on this board was an "annoying little kid" at one time, I find the children hatred around here rather hypocritical.

I kept to myself when I was a kid... I was happy with a video game and something to eat... nothing else nothing more...

I've saw plently of home movies... and yet have I seen one where I was acting like a fucking caffinated spider monkey.
I have a bagel every morning before work. I slice it in half and broil them. Then on one half I put cream cheese, and some kind of jam on the other. That and a big cup of black coffee.
Back from 7 and a bit hours of work.
Wasn't too bad. I was picking for the first half so it was just like "K, pick this up, put a sticker on it, chuck it on a conveyor belt".
They paid me 6.50 an hour to do this.
Much better than last week, with the constant agony and shizzle.