The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Yay. I have a shift in work again tomorrow. 8am again.

Unfortunately I know that it's gonna suck donkey balls. And I'll probably be on dispatch. Again. The hell that is dispatch :cry:
Just keep thinking of the £50. Haven't been paid for the last time, so when it finally goes in, that's gonna be £100 going in at once. A welcome sight :D
just got up.

So I live in a valley. In the middle is a big Lake. Yesterday three forest fires started, all three across the lake from us. One is 3oo Hectares, the second is 75 and the 3rd is 50, with 10 houses already burned. Embers are even making it across the lake, so its very possible that another one will start by me. WE already had one in 2003; I was evacuated fro 3 damn weeks. Anyways, hope this SHIT gets put under control.
I see no difference in the intelligence of children per se and "children of God."

The child stage for most living creatures is part of a natural necessary life cycle. Religion is not natural or necessary and is specific to humans.

If a kid is a brat it is the care-givers fault anyway for not disciplining them. Be mad at the parents for an annoying kid, not the kid.
Actually apparently I was quite a quiet courteous kid.

That's why my dad thought I was gay for a while.

That and apparently I asked for one of those mini ovens :erk:

I think my over liking of boobs, football and alcohol is just my subconscious trying to make up for a gay childhood.
Actually apparently I was quite a quiet courteous kid.

That's why my dad thought I was gay for a while.

That and apparently I asked for one of those mini ovens :erk:

I was really nice as a really young kid, then when I got to about 9 I was annoying.

I got one of those ovens without asking for it. I'll get over it tbh, I use it like a microwave in my room sometimes.
My parents regularly got complimented on my brother/my public conduct, except this one parent in our school group who told my dad I was "rebellious". I think this was because I thought for myself, whereas their kids couldn't even decide what game they wanted to play without asking their mom. Trying to have a debate with them was pointless. If you challanged their view they would get a confused look on their face and you could see the gears grinding and then they would either just repeat something they already said or say they needed to ask their parents.
I just bought the domain name sexdrugsandcoding because I was bored.
And we were discussing compsci hoodies and I said I'd only buy one if they said "Sex, Drugs and Coding" on the back. I'm not sure I what I'm going to use it for yet.

Maybe I'll draw an awful webcomic where one of the characters eventually has a miscarriage. Or I'll just make it display the word poop in randomly selected colours. I dunno.