The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Trapped, in this nightmare
I wish Id wake
As my whole life begins to shake
Four walls, surround me
An empty gaze
I cant find my way out of this maze

'cause I dont care
Fall in, fall out
Gone without a doubt, help me
I cant take the blame
They dont feel the shame

Its a madhouse
Or so they claim
Its a madhouse
Oh, am I insane?

Just grilled and ate a man-worthy double cheese-burger complete with "fixins" and am now going through a couple of metal sampler discs. Having my girl over later.
Sitting here wanting to buy a shirt... of a doom metal band... but I cant find one particularly grabbing hard enough for me to purchase it.

Also gonna buy the lady a Danzig shirt....
My chillax day is gone.

I got a text off the shift guy saying "Can you come in for 12?".
Read: "Can you come in for 12? Half my blokes haven't turned up, hence dispatch is going to be incredibly cunty, so I figure i'll stick you in there but it won't really help the situation"

Ah well, need the money.
Trying to wait for my last load of laundry to dry so i can pass the hell out, damn i hate laundry day...