The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

No. But. I'll give you a hint. It's green.

No, but it makes things like that extra hilarious.

Fucking faggot.

Yesterday when feeling lame I checked my post history in this thread...much laughing occurred. I recommend doing this whenever anyone feels shitty.
Everybody's so fucking mentally inconsistenct, or fucking socially or something.. I really only know a few people that are as cool as me like all of the time or something. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, I really am fucking cool.

Since when I have over 2k posts? Should have reminded me you fucking bitches, I fucking hate you you fucking social cripples.
Fucking faggot.

Yesterday when feeling lame I checked my post history in this thread...much laughing occurred. I recommend doing this whenever anyone feels shitty.
haha yeah i sound retarded even to myself
Everybody's so fucking mentally inconsistenct, or fucking socially or something.. I really only know a few people that are as cool as me like all of the time or something. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, I really am fucking cool.

Since when I have over 2k posts? Should have reminded me you fucking bitches, I fucking hate you you fucking social cripples.
Am I as cool as you?