The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Ow, can I cum a little bit of my sense of humour in your mouth? AAAAAh, ahahh, you're so good so goood, swallow the jokes!
My social skills are award winning. I've been known to have women from the audience fellate me whilst I read poetry aloud at conventions.
I learned the first track of 'n Crugu Bradului yesterday on my bass. And "Penguins in Flight" by StS.

Today I went into my break room and this guy's watching Oprah and he's all like, "Yeah man das how I roll. Oprah, Dr. Pheel, da fuckin Ellen Degeneres show."

And I was like, "Fuck yeah nig and Days of our Lives and shit!"

"General Hospital, foo."
So today I sorta met this guy who got beaten and stabbed and shot before by some dudes. Today he had some kind of seizure or some shit and threw up. That was definitely a first.
Being psyched I have a girlfriend who texts me asking if I want to have sex Friday. And this would be on the same day as we go on a day trip to Salem. :cool:
I should be doing homework, but listening to Iron Maiden and lurking is more important than my education right now apparently
I've never encountered non-annoying tourists. In DC they make the metro move so much slower. In Baltimore they make the nice quiet areas all packed and loud.