The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I'm about to go out for a little while. Debating between a bar or a pool hall...The biker bar I go to occasionally would be alright, but I don't want to take the friends I'm going out with there. They're fags, and I'm a pimp. It'll make me look bad, and I've got a decent reputation there.
HOLY FUCK. I don't get hangovers (thank god), but last night was ridiculous. I was fucked up beyond fucked up. I did some crazy shit, and it was the most fun I've had in quite some time.

I won't give details, but I got a stripper's number and $500 for winning a fight. :)
Most people's definition of "crazy shit":

Drinking copious amounts of alcohol
Having sex with strangers
Some variation of falling fast
Smoking weed
Waking up in the hospital for any of the above

While you just play few crazy fucking games of Scrabble.
The stripper and fight are the more obvious stuff. I don't really smoke weed much, even if I had sex with a stranger, I have a gf so I could never say I did. The clogged nose is from drugs, my ex showed up, got mad 'cause I'm a dick, swung, so I gave her the hardcore-full-face-grab-and-shove. Then I got kicked out by the bouncer, who I proceeded to pummel. We ran, went to the next spot where I met some stripper who was hot for a whore. I won't go much into that, but if I call her I know I'd be doing something immoral again.

While her and I were talking, my friend brought some guy over who was asking if anyone fights for money. Of course he said I do...because I do. We went to this other place, I fought some little dude for $200 bucks, then another guy for $300 because he was bigger (but neither could fight)...I had $500 bucks, so I decided more drugs. My friend called a guy, then I decided not to pay...catch my drift? No one knows it was me, because I'm a pimp, and my friend was actually scared because he didn't know who it was so the dude didn't think 'set-up'. Fuck, there's a lot more to say, but I don't feel like typing.
No, actually. I haven't spent money on drugs for a very long time. Besides that, I didn't pay, remember? And we found out yesterday how fucked things are. We'll lose the house by January if I'm calculating correctly. I haven't even held actual cash in the 2 months prior to last night. So no, that's not the cause of my financial problems.

EDIT: I held enough for a 40 the other day, which I just handed to the ol' lady 'cause I was underage then.