The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Copying my entire 6000 song music library to the new itunes on my new laptop. Apple specifically prevents one from transferring music from their ipod to itunes, but theres a hidden file way to do it. Except it takes a fuckload of time.
Well I just erased everything in my Gmail folders up to a month ago. That's over four years of e-mail, gone from the Internet and only accessible to me from my hard drive. Kind of scary to think about... but certainly not as scary as the possibility of someone breaking into my account and getting access to four years of personal data.

Next step: get my new external hard drive encrypted and use that as my primary data storage from now on!
mine are all like ' some bitch messaged you on some shitty site but you didn't reply' and 'your my ebay items are ending soon' or 'your item didn't sell' oh and a few 'some site you bought one shit thing from has sent you a big shit email advertising shit'
Being back on the internet.
My laptop fragged on Thursday, and then I spent 3 days hanging out in my mates flat. Had to restore to factory settings.
All my music gone. And all my CDs for SOME music are at home. And films. Bugger tits.

@ Reaction thing. 0.249 average.
Well, just when I was starting to feel invincible (stable job, going to school, good music both playing and hearing, getting my own car soon) I cut my fucking hand on an aluminum can lid in a garbage bag I was carrying after slipping on ice. It's on my dominant hand. I have a show on halloween. I didn't get to write a paper that's due today because I was in the ER for 4 hours. I'll post pictures soon.
I only need two fingers on my right hand, personally. Eligos plays bass, so presumably he needs more like three, but still...

By the way, Eligos, what happened to ~gR~?
I guess it depends on where the cut is, too. We'll have to see the pictures then we can discuss. I only need two fingers as well. And I could survive even without my pinky on my fret hand because I have quite a stretch.

That triangle of skin was loose.



Figured I'd post them here instead of the picture thread since I already mentioned them.

@WAIF&dt: I need 3 fingers on my right hand to play bass. I'm going to try using a pick and very carefully try to use my fingers so we'll see how it goes,