The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I forget who it was, but somebody I know was telling me at his work they all got them for Christmas from the company. And they all made fun of it at first, but now they all use them all the time. I mean, I already have a fleece robe I use for the same purpose, but if you don't have one I imagine they're great.
This page is about as comfortably homosexual as it gets..and oddly I'm, must..navigate..out.of page
My mate has bought a snuggie.

I fucking want one so bad.

Just to say I own a snuggie.

It's a blanket WITH MOTHERFUCKING SLEEVES. How can you not want it?

right, i want one. You know how sometimes you've wished a blanket would stay on you, now there's snuggies.
The fast part is pretty boring. The slower parts are more interesting. Needs real instruments and vocals; if recorded properly, could sound pretty badass. The fast part towards the end (4:30 or so) is also pretty dull. Not having real guitars means no real sense of speed, which doesn't help.
Yeah, the only vocals are the first part. I actually like how they came out. For the distortion on them, I used the one and only HM-2 Boss pedal; you know, the one Sunlight Studios used :p But thanks for the criticism! Obviously I really only do this stuff for fun, I don't intend to go anywhere with it really.