The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Scrambled an egg under a slice of pizza (which was upside down so the egg ended up on top). omg.
Physics homework.

A gas balloon absorbs 75 J of heat. The balloon expands but stays at the same temperature. How much work did the balloon do in expanding?
Listening to GnR and getting my sad on.

Tell me these lyrics aren't, despite their generally simplistic nature, aren't fantastic and deep:

We all come in from the cold
We come down from the wire
An everybody warms themselves
to a different fire
When sometimes we get burned
You'd think sometime we'd learn
The one you love is the one
That should take you higher
You ain't got no one
You better go back out and find um

Just like children hidin' in a closet
Can't tell what's goin' on outside
Sometimes we're so far off the beaten track
We'll get taken for a ride
By a parlor trick or some words of wit
A hidden hand up a sleeve
To think the one you love
could hurt you now
Is a little hard to believe
But everybody darlin' sometimes
Bites the hand that feeds

When I look around
Everybody always brings me down
Well is it them or me
Well I just can't see
But there ain't no peace to found
But if someone really cared
Well they'd take the time to spare
A moment to try and understand
Another one's despair
Remember in this game we call life
That no one said it's fair

I've come to know the cold
I think of it as home
When there ain't enough of me to go around
I'd rather be left alone
But if I call you out of habit I'm out of love and
I gotta have it
Would you give it to me if I fit you needs
Like when we both knew we had it
But now the damage's done
And we're back out on the run
Fun how ev'rything was roses
When we held on to the guns
Just because you're winnin'
Don't mean you're the lucky ones
Listening to 'Locomotive' now. This one is a little more H involved, but has the whole relationship thing going as well. Great shit, despite the general dislike for them by extreme metal fans.

EDIT: Clearly I'm sad right now. Not for any specific reason. Just thinking too much, I suppose.
Listening to Primordial repeatedly. Starting to get into TTND.
Just discovered that Yes will be playing at a very nearby venue in February. AWESOME.