The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Oh, I didn't even notice the screen size you were looking for. I don't know why they change the prices so dramatically for 4 inches...the specs are basically the fucking same. I love Macs, but I hate their pricing. People pay that much, though, so I guess I don't blame them.

The Mac linked in my sig is what I have. Cost me $950 total. The brand new ones, which are 20x better are $1200. They update too fucking much.
Just noticed this. Looking at the specs for your system...and my $1000 laptop will be >=. Now, if I was buying a macbook, how much would this cost? Gee, looks like it would cost at least twice as much and be gay. That's too bad.

It's funny because it's true.

The mac people were at our uni. "And with your student discount, you could get a Mac for just 700 or 800 pounds!"
It's like, yeah, or I could get a normal laptop for half the price, and it wouldn't be gay.
Volunteered for 9 hours this morning for the Las Vegas marathon @_@

Currently waiting for someone to call so I can trade some PSP games for a monitor.
Just got back from a mall. I bought Day Watch and Night Watch since I heard good things about them. I'm going to wait until after school tomorrow to watch them both in succession. I love early winter sunsets because I get more time in the perfect atmosphere to watch movies.
I fucking love my kid. Whenever I sit at the computer, he'll come over and make his growl sound over and over until I put on something with growls then he gives the biggest fucking smile and headbangs. Right now he's banging his head kind of freakishly and growling listening to Jenovavirus. I need a video of this 'cause it sounds almost made up.
After a talk with my parents about the computer situation, the current plan is to get a cheapish laptop and then build a badass desktop. I just put together $1000 in parts on tiger direct and just imagining the badassery that would occur if those parts were ever physically brought together gives me a raging hard-on.
I spent 700 on a custom PC and it runs MW2 with ease with desktop res at 1650x1050, could probably save a few bucks at least I recommend it. I think you are jewish so you are probably filthy rich so might just want to disregard this post
I lol'd at the Jewish comment. All the Jews I know are middle class. My family are lapsed Jews, but only because Judaism is as much an ethnicity as a religion. Anyhow, I could save a few Jew tokens and might end up doing so, but my goal is Crysis on a 22" screen so I think I'll need the power.
I never was a fan of laptops in any form, tbh. I don't go anywhere that I'd need one. I prefer my nice 20 inch monitor (soon to be 21.5 with LED backlighting :) ) . If I had extra money, then maybe I'd buy a cheap laptop for school or something (this is a case where Windows would be acceptable, as school is all Windows and I don't want to spend a bunch of money for a machine I'll only use in class).