The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I fucking love my kid. Whenever I sit at the computer, he'll come over and make his growl sound over and over until I put on something with growls then he gives the biggest fucking smile and headbangs. Right now he's banging his head kind of freakishly and growling listening to Jenovavirus. I need a video of this 'cause it sounds almost made up.
:headbang: Gotta start them young.
Really wanting to see Until The Light Takes Us, but it probably won't come out in this country for a while yet. Guess I'll have to find a torrent or something.
I fucking love my kid. Whenever I sit at the computer, he'll come over and make his growl sound over and over until I put on something with growls then he gives the biggest fucking smile and headbangs. Right now he's banging his head kind of freakishly and growling listening to Jenovavirus. I need a video of this 'cause it sounds almost made up.

how old is he? i would think toddler's would be freaked out by death metal.
I'd introduce kids to rock music in the order that it actually developed to be honest. Then they can find true metal themselves, if it suits their personality.
My excitement of being back home in Australia for summer is now being tempered by the sobering reality that almost all my friends have become boring as shit. Getting married, having kids, buying houses etc etc. I have no problem with people finding happiness in love and settling down but is it an obligation to lose your sense of adventure and your personality and become conservative and dull?
My excitement of being back home in Australia for summer is now being tempered by the sobering reality that almost all my friends have become boring as shit. Getting married, having kids, buying houses etc etc. I have no problem with people finding happiness in love and settling down but is it an obligation to lose your sense of adventure and your personality and become conservative and dull?
Where in Australia are you, good sir?
My excitement of being back home in Australia for summer is now being tempered by the sobering reality that almost all my friends have become boring as shit. Getting married, having kids, buying houses etc etc. I have no problem with people finding happiness in love and settling down but is it an obligation to lose your sense of adventure and your personality and become conservative and dull?

Well having kids can make it pretty difficult if not impossible to be "adventurous". Getting married and buying a house are no excuse though I'd say.
how old is he? i would think toddler's would be freaked out by death metal.

He's a year and a half almost exactly. No, he fucking loves when I put on extreme metal. Rock, hip hop, country...nothing. But as soon as he hears some death or black metal he gets almost as excited (though showing it physically more) than I do.
Freaking out. My friend decided it'd be a good idea to go to some link from /b/ that I'm fairly certain was a bad idea. Nothing downloaded or anything, but we've all heard of 'honeypot' links. Fuck. Maybe it's time to trash my Mac.
This forum is dead...why?
Listening to some Amon Amarth to pump myself up to listen to Bathory - Blood on Ice.
Just complaining that it's dead is all.

The end of Bleed for Ancient Gods is so badass...AND THEN WE KILL!

Reading Quorthon's essay introducing Blood On Ice. This is completely tl;dr stuff, but I enjoy his rants. I would have liked to hang out with him; he seems to have a fairly similar thought process to me.