The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Yeah man, yeah. When we do holidays, we go all out. And there was not even that many people there (I have a small family and some didn't even show up). It was fun though. Tomorrow is going to be quite something when someone has to clean up the remaining eggs.

And WAIF, I am not going to even ask "Are you ok?" because clearly you are not. But, if you don't mind me asking, why can't you go see your aunt? Did your job get in the way or something?

ok, so, the score:

st3333phani3333: 750
vitor: 0

yeah, it's right, i got no egg today, and never had.
And WAIF, I am not going to even ask "Are you ok?" because clearly you are not. But, if you don't mind me asking, why can't you go see your aunt? Did your job get in the way or something?

I'm only moderately upset. I wanted to go visit her for the weekend, but my family wanted me to be there for Easter, so I had to postpone my trip 2 weeks. I haven't had any sort of vacation or even been out of the fucking state since June of last year, so...:mad:

It wasn't like it was such a big deal, either. We went over to some family friends house and I hung around in the kitchen and talked for a while and then went and watched Alien with the kids. I don't get the big deal about family. I saw them all last Monday anyways...:bah:
My easter was spent in bed watching that 70s show.

We're a two hour drive from any family (Which is too long for lazy british people), and I'm 19 and my brothers ... 24. Or 25. Or 23. Somewhere around there, anyway, so we don't really want eggs. I got 15 cans of strongbow instead. We didn't even get a fancy meal. Easter is nothing in this house :p
I celebrated the resurrection by listening to Resurrection.

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ok, so, the score:

st3333phani3333: 750
vitor: 0

yeah, it's right, i got no egg today, and never had.

Well, you could say that as the score, but when it comes down to how many I personally had, probably only about 3. I did not search, I helped hide the eggs (the worst idea anyone could think of, no one could get the eggs I hid), pointed out some to the little ones, decorated an egg, threw an egg at my brother, and ate an egg. But that is about it.

No egg? I'm taking it as you don't celebrate Easter? Well, if you want, you could always come down here and find/clean up the remains. You'll get atleast a couple hundred.

I'm only moderately upset. I wanted to go visit her for the weekend, but my family wanted me to be there for Easter, so I had to postpone my trip 2 weeks. I haven't had any sort of vacation or even been out of the fucking state since June of last year, so...:mad:

It wasn't like it was such a big deal, either. We went over to some family friends house and I hung around in the kitchen and talked for a while and then went and watched Alien with the kids. I don't get the big deal about family. I saw them all last Monday anyways...:bah:

Did you try to reason with them? I mean, it'd probably be no help now since you had to postpone your trip. Only since last year of June? I never get to vacation anywhere. I been out of the state once and it was not even fun (I was 8 and going to a wedding). I thought I'd rant a little. But, I guess if you are used to traveling and you don't do it as frequently, it can bug you. Do you travel a lot?

If that is all you did, then if I were you, I would of fought my way through leaving. I mean, there is nothing wrong with spending quality time and relaxing with family and friends, but if you don't have a good time doing it, it is not worth it, at all. I'm not sure if you didn't have a good time, but it seems like you wanted to go on this trip a little more
Fuck why do I get the most retarded professors. What kind of man lectures for 30 minutes (the class is 50 minutes) then hands a quiz of fucking 78 questions and expects us to finish on time? holy shit the number of people that ran after him when class ended as he walked out, FUCK.
Sitting on a bench at UCR right now, dreading having to go to work.

My knee is all kinds of fucked up to so I'm walking with a pretty distinct gait. I should never have started jumping in that children's size jumper Saturday at my girlfriend's birthday party.

And no she is not eight god dammit.
Sitting on a bench at UCR right now, dreading having to go to work.

My knee is all kinds of fucked up to so I'm walking with a pretty distinct gait. I should never have started jumping in that children's size jumper Saturday at my girlfriend's birthday party.

And no she is not eight god dammit.

Do you go to UCR?