The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

What tat are you getting? Post pics when you get it, please don't let it be a tribal tattoo. I've been thinking of getting one, but still haven't figured out a design yet.

It's not going to be tribal or spiritual. I'll try and post pics. I doubt it is going to be my last one.
Drinking coffee. A friend of mine was fronted a decent ammount of Herb yesterday and came over. We got high and he was suppose to give me some herb. All of the sudden came down and realised did not have any and ended up getting drunk. wow this sucks

I have 2 dollars and can get a 24 oz. yay me, fuck my life!
It really sucks being 19. I vowed to never lie about my age after dealing with all these stupid fucking women on Senior Discount Day at my work (a weekly venture at Goodwill). I'm mature for my age, so I do have older friends who I like to hang out with. Recently I've been having to answer the question, "What, you're only 19?! I could be your mother!" so much when I'm talking to a girl that I have a canned ham response for it:

"Yeah, and you were checking me out. How dare you." Then I walk the fuck away.
No hot 18-20 year old girls near you?

Here's the issue. Most of the hot girls who are near my own age live uptown, and I can't stand their sense of entitlement. It's gotten me in a lot of terrible arguments that I've lost friends to.

Downtown and at work, most of the women I meet are older than me by at least ten years, but I enjoy talking to them because they're more down-to-earth and they have actual interests.

And most of my friends from high school are either married or in long term relationships with guys who are also my friends.
Catching up on GMD after the weekend. I missed Easter but I loaded up on pork and kimchi and buttered shiitake mushrooms so that counts right?

DO NOT SPOIL NEW DOCTOR WHO PLZ. Another redhead? 20 bucks says she's hotter than Donna Noble but I'll be upset if she is that bitch who was in the desert episode with David Tennant who wanted to be his assistant. Fuck that chick.

The Brule's Rule you speak of is "Go to bed early," not "sleep all day" - when you're asleep there's no more lonely times, just dreams.

Mort - that SUUUUCKS but maybe now you'll ask a girl your own age. You could also invite her into your car and play Paramore for her and make out.

Eligos - lie about your age. After you put your penis in her, tell the truth.
Just got home from the best Easter, ever. 750 eggs, 4 quads, 3 dirt bikes, an unlimited amount of great food and beer (even thouh I don't drink), and my family. I think I am going to go nap now.
Yeah, 750 eggs. My aunt went a little overboard. Those were just the real ones though. We had about 300 fake ones with different types of candy in each one. We had a massive egg hunt. Took about 2 hours (until everyone was sick of looking for the eggs). For the real ones though, they put a price on them and whatever it is, you will get that amount of money. It was fun.
Back from Easter. Fuck Easter. I wanted to go see my aunt in New York this weekend. Fuck you, Jesus. Fuck you. This is your fault.
750??? c'mon...

Yeah man, yeah. When we do holidays, we go all out. And there was not even that many people there (I have a small family and some didn't even show up). It was fun though. Tomorrow is going to be quite something when someone has to clean up the remaining eggs.

And WAIF, I am not going to even ask "Are you ok?" because clearly you are not. But, if you don't mind me asking, why can't you go see your aunt? Did your job get in the way or something?