The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Don't make faces, I'm angry at you! You've planned to go to OEF with me and now I'll have to go w/ this poseur bitch that's addicted to sex.

That was random. :lol:

I really do want to go, but I assume you can understand my reluctance to spend several thousand bucks on a Eurotrip when I will probably have no income in a month.
Decided to pick up materials for an Irish car bomb this afternoon, and have since commenced an all-out assault on my brain cells. I've finished two already, about 2.3 oz of alcohol to my estimates. Raping of your mom will begin shortly.
Wow, that was quite a delayed effect. I didn't think that would get me drunk at first, but I guess I was wrong. :lol:
I have to say, you are one of the people I enjoy most when they're drunk, so I hope you post a lot in the coming hours.

Wow, the pressure's on already huh.

Well from preliminary intelligence reports it appears our IRA contacts have siezed the targeted offices across the border, thus redirecting the chain of command to the primary Zerg Nexus. Once the sociopolitical edifice has been compromised, we should be receiving instructions to begin the full insurgency by 1945 hours.
Wow, I just woke up and I can't believe I slept through this day. I guess it is not to hard when you really don't have too many responsibilities (or life). I'm either going to smoke or play Dante's Inferno. Maye even both, I don't know. It depends when my family leaves.
Responsibilities are for ninnies and people with pretty faces. ROCK ON SISTER!!!

Well, good thing I am not either of those because then if I were, I'd have some responsibilities. Today officially started Spring Break, even though I started mine yesterday, so there will be a lot of uncalled moments for me. I'm going to be out the road (hopefully). I just got a Jeep for graduation (early gift) and all I need to is get my licenses. It won't be that hard.
That excrement governs! The most superlative excrement I have observed in the span of my biological viability!