The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

just got back from the new first years' welcome ceremony. they are so cute and haven't grown into their school uniforms yet.
Just got home from work. Waiting on the lady friend to call me over to her abode.
My neck is fucking wrecked after last night, so much headbanging and air guitar.

I only got to see a little bit of Misery Index because I was hungry and went to get a kebab at the start of the night. They weren't too bad, not my thing though. Origin bored me, couldn't headbang to it or groove to any of it. Guitars were too fucking loud, but most of the time it was 'blast tom roll blast tom roll blast' on the drums so you don't here shit properly anyway. They were good musicians, but I've always found Origin boring as all fuck. I think from what I've heard, I prefer John Longstreth's drumwork in Gorguts which is alot more varied. Psycroptic, fucking as tight as a virgin's cunt as always, I've seen them so many times and they're always good. Still prefer Chalky's vocals.

Decapitated were okay. I think they still need to work together as a band a little bit more. Vogg's an awesome guitarist as always, I felt like he was carrying the whole band. The new drummer wasn't as tight, couldn't nail alot of parts like the 16th accents in Spheres of Madness and tried to do something different and flashy some times and would go one or 2 notes off at times. New vocalist dude isn't as good, has a higher pitched growl to Covan or Sauron and different pronounciation in certain spots. The bassist was okay, stage presence was sometimes annoying but tolerable. Given that, I think they still did a pretty decent job and they do all have really big shoes to fill. They still rocked the venue and I had lots of fun. :kickass:

Behemoth, Goatwhore and Blowjob for a Gayboy next Monday.
St3333phani3333, you're omitting auxiliary verbs quite often. Is this because you live within an African-American community, and have acquired a similar semi-pidgin?

I actually live in a nice, mainly white neighborhood. There are like two or three black families that live around me. There is a lot of black people in Lorain and a lot that go to my school, but I didn't think and I don't think I sound/seem/talk like them.
Getting ready for bed, got to work in the morning, fucking shipment day - 700 pieces and only 3 people will be there to unload it ...

But as far as good "what am i doing news" - getting back in contact with someone I was good friends with back in HS! :D
Getting ready for bed, got to work in the morning, fucking shipment day - 700 pieces and only 3 people will be there to unload it ...
Psh. I do 500+ with just my store manager at 5:30. I assume we're talking just full-cases, no dollies/cages, yes?

Oh, and my accomplishment for today: I moved the unsold Easter candy from the left side of the aisle to the right side. My mom will be so proud.
probably about 550 pieces full case, 150 totes

We did that a few days ago, only to have my store manager shift all the shit down from where we put it ruining all of our awesome work >_>
That sounds pretty badass Episteme. Have fun with Gayjob for a Blowboy.

I have a headache now. I never get headaches. There goes all hope of being productive this afternoon.
I'm adjusting to healthier eating habits. Everyone in my family is fat, out of shape, and generally feels like shit (this includes me), so I basically guilt tripped my wife into getting more fresh produce and natural/organic foods. She hates that kind of food (I think she could live off of cheese, pizza, and ranch dressing), but she seems willing to adjust so far. What I'm having difficulty with is eating smaller portions. Even though I enjoy salads and such, I tend to want to go back for 2nds and 3rds.
I'm trying to do the same, SN. My dad is obeseish and my mom recently lost about 30 pounds (went from 155 to 125) and looks amazing, plus obviously I live in Japan where everyone is thin by default.

It is SO HARD to change eating habits but a lot of people do it successfully. Eventually the junk foods you used to eat all the time will start making you sick.

Portion control sucks. I am much better at starving myself than exercising restraint and only having a little. Drinking a couple glasses of water before you start a meal makes you feel fuller I've found. Still, today's lunch of yogurt and kimchi wasn't exactly filling.
I need to exercise a little bit more. I used to be so fit when I was in Singapore. I was running 10km, weight training and doing Thai Kickboxing, all 3 times a week to keep myself fit as I was assigned to be a firefighter.

Ever since I've come back, my exercise regime has kinda gone down hill and I've been eating more junk food. I still do try to exercise every weekday morning but the intensity is nowhere as high as it was back in Singapore.

In other news, my band just scored another gig this weekend on short notice because another band pulled out. Gonna be awesome.
Decapitated were okay. I think they still need to work together as a band a little bit more. Vogg's an awesome guitarist as always, I felt like he was carrying the whole band. The new drummer wasn't as tight, couldn't nail alot of parts like the 16th accents in Spheres of Madness and tried to do something different and flashy some times and would go one or 2 notes off at times. New vocalist dude isn't as good, has a higher pitched growl to Covan or Sauron and different pronounciation in certain spots. The bassist was okay, stage presence was sometimes annoying but tolerable. Given that, I think they still did a pretty decent job and they do all have really big shoes to fill. They still rocked the venue and I had lots of fun. :kickass:

Pretty much exactly how I felt when I saw them. I'm gathering they are just touring to give the band some experience. They really need to lose that vocalist though.
I'm adjusting to healthier eating habits. Everyone in my family is fat, out of shape, and generally feels like shit (this includes me), so I basically guilt tripped my wife into getting more fresh produce and natural/organic foods. She hates that kind of food (I think she could live off of cheese, pizza, and ranch dressing), but she seems willing to adjust so far. What I'm having difficulty with is eating smaller portions. Even though I enjoy salads and such, I tend to want to go back for 2nds and 3rds.

Try getting some vegetables like broccoli. Then get fruits like grapes, appels, oranges, bananas, strawberrys, cantaloupe, fuck I could go on how much I like fruit.
Tom, you have GOT to be AliDimayev from the other forum I'm on.

AliDimayev said:
You know, fruits and vegetables are always, good anywya. Did you know the average Indian has a 1,200 calorie diet, but yet much larger bowel movements than most westerners? It's on accounta all the vegetables and, thus, fiber 'what' they eat.
@ Saparmurat_Niyazov: You can get used to eat less. Most of the 'hungry' you can feel is not 'physically needed', it's just psychological gluttony and with just some will, you can beat it. I lost 50lb on 2009 just doing so.