The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

About to hit the store booze it up and DROWN. I have a cold which is almost gone and just took a shower. So much snot came out of my nose that am pretty sure it was some of my brain. It was so fucked up. Besides that am hacking because am drinking and smoking a lot. I'm hoping my brain is officially turning to mush and shuts down. Lately my mind is consumed by nothing but bullshit. I can't make sense of anything at all anymore. Truth,Lies,Meaning,Truth,Lies,Meaning. I can't. no more
Eat your own flesh, recycling is good for your body and the environment. Also, that sandwich you are eating, it is made of recycled sandwiches.
Crying inside because all the leaving teachers brought desserts and snacks and shit to the staffroom. Though I keep saying "I can just run/walk more later and eat it!"
Should be working on an assignment about the process flow of the synthesis of Ammonia gas from Hydrogen and Nitrogen with the aid of inert gases. I worked on the process simulation program about 2 days ago, and it didn't give me the answers I wanted due to some fuck up I did. Now I'm just browsing the forums and doing fuck all else.