The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

V5 has been lawyered.
I skipped few posts but V5 apparently admitted he sells bullshit for money.

EDIT: @Andy, hope I don't get you angry man :)
I skipped few posts but V5 apparently admitted he sells bullshit for money.

Wait, what? Pretty sure you misunderstood something :lol: I take my sound stuff very seriously, and, by extension, take the art I create for it seriously. I haven't though about it much, but I've never considered anything with the Ichorous logo/branding on it to be part of my portfolio of work I've done...

I don't know if this it is erroneous to think like this or not. I did create the cover art to the nonexistent "Wound Urge" album for a final project for class, though, and I've done stuff like this for liner notes, etc. so I guess it's more ingrained in my portfolio than I originally figured. So, basically, I disagree with what I originally said to WAIF.
Art is life guys

I'm sitting around waiting to teach "Asking Permission."

A: May I borrow your eraser?
B: Sure. Here you are.

A: Can I have another cup of coffee?
B: Of course.

A: Do you mind if I borrow your car?
B: You're an idiot for even asking that, son.
Getting psyched about MDF '10 right now. About to sleep. With my girlfriend all day tomorrow then finishing a paper for my morning class.
@WAIF: Great news dude, he'll over it.
I really hope so. Just as I was leaving for work this morning my grandmother told me she'd just been to see him and she thought it "wouldn't be long." Naturally I had a fucking awesome day at work. When I got home I talked to my dad and apparently the situation isn't quite that dire, but he hasn't improved. I'm gonna go visit him again tomorrow and hopefully talk to his doctor or one of the nurses.
My grandpa was the same way. He would watch me when my mother was at work, and he lived with my parents since the day I was born. He and I were really close. A couple years ago, I took him to the hospital because his knee was hurting, and he never came back from the hospital. I think the day I realized he was going to die was worse than the day he died.
I had a horrible 6 month period where both of my grandpa's died, my awesome dog, an Uncle and an Aunt.On top of the that my parent's also got a divorce ( a bitter 3 year one )

My condolences Vitor