The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Awesome! In Chicago there was some law passed that you couldn't have built in pools made anymore, so my uncle had an out of ground one, which was ok, but sucks in comparison to a regular one.

Anyways I just got my Hugo Boss suit in the mail. It fits pretty well, but not as much as the Banana Republic one. It'd be nice if the overall suit length was like an inch or so left, and maybe sometime I'll get it altered to that, but for now I'm good. I also might get one of the suits altered for a slimmer fit, as there is a pretty good nearby tailor with good rates according to the reviews.
I had a horrible 6 month period where both of my grandpa's died, my awesome dog, an Uncle and an Aunt.On top of the that my parent's also got a divorce ( a bitter 3 year one )

My condolences Vitor

I had a similar week where my grandma died on a Sunday, the next Thursday my dad left his job, and then the next Saturday, my dog who I pretty much grew up with was put to sleep, and then the next Sunday my sister went off to college(not really a bad thing, but it was a big thing). Oh also, we had a foot of snow that Saturday night when we had a huge family party for my grandma.
Awesome! In Chicago there was some law passed that you couldn't have built in pools made anymore, so my uncle had an out of ground one, which was ok, but sucks in comparison to a regular one.

Anyways I just got my Hugo Boss suit in the mail. It fits pretty well, but not as much as the Banana Republic one. It'd be nice if the overall suit length was like an inch or so left, and maybe sometime I'll get it altered to that, but for now I'm good. I also might get one of the suits altered for a slimmer fit, as there is a pretty good nearby tailor with good rates according to the reviews.

It is pretty nice. I like it. I will be using it almost everyday now. That is a stupid law. Why was it even made and passed? That is still sweet though. My uncle has a similar to that one. He has an above ground pool with a deck built around it. I like it. A deck is very useful. I have one, but it is before my pool so it does not matter.

And awesome on your suits. I bet that are pretty snazzy.
So I got in a minor accident while heading home from class, in the college parking lot. The car in front of me was pulling into the space, then once they were half way in I started driving forward (slowly), but at the same time they started backing out because they couldn't fit, which resulted in a minor dent above the front right side wheel.

Exchanged insurance info etc, and went home. I'm thinking it would be better not to go through the hassle of reporting it given the minor amount of damage, which has no effect on the car. That, and its only worth $1500 or so, and I'm not planning on selling it.

Anyone have any suggestions, ideas, or has anything similar happened?
So I got in a minor accident while heading home from class, in the college parking lot. The car in front of me was pulling into the space, then once they were half way in I started driving forward (slowly), but at the same time they started backing out because they couldn't fit, which resulted in a minor dent above the front right side wheel.

Exchanged insurance info etc, and went home. I'm thinking it would be better not to go through the hassle of reporting it given the minor amount of damage, which has no effect on the car. That, and its only worth $1500 or so, and I'm not planning on selling it.

Anyone have any suggestions, ideas, or has anything similar happened?

Prepare yourself for the unlikely event that the other party tries to collect from you.

Other than that, yeah, I don't think it's worth reporting since you're not planning on selling it and it's just a bruise.
I had a similar week where my grandma died on a Sunday, the next Thursday my dad left his job, and then the next Saturday, my dog who I pretty much grew up with was put to sleep, and then the next Sunday my sister went off to college(not really a bad thing, but it was a big thing). Oh also, we had a foot of snow that Saturday night when we had a huge family party for my grandma.

yeah man that's brutal. It's weird how sometimes so much shit happens at once. Ah well