The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

just watched a coworkers rock/heavy metal band.
They are decent for what they play.
Lots of downpicking guitar playing.
But he plays drums and is all over the place. Dude is 43 and kicking ass on the drums.
These three days were like a storm of alcohol and afrodisiacs.m Fucking shit, I don't remember a fucking shit, but I'm fucking destroyed.

This, pretty much exactly this. Except I wasn't destroyed enough to not remember, and wish for the love of god that I could forget.

A highlight was running through the streets of Kokura with my friends blowing a vuvuzela and screaming "NIPPON" and having tons of Japanese people cheering.

A low point was waking up at 4 am in my hotel room with my friend who I have ZERO interest in kissing me because he was so drunk he interpreted my unattractive half-open-mouth sleeping as an invitation. I'm pretending it's okay but honestly I feel pretty fucking violated and gross.

Just came back from band rehearsal. We've got a gig coming up on Friday. I wanted to debut a new song which is a pretty epic instrumental, but looks like we don't have enough set time for it and the rest of the guys wanted to keep it for the album launch. We also met a guy from a band that rehearses in the rooms next to us who wants to do our album artwork, so that sure makes things alot easier and cheaper for us, plus he already has some nice ideas. In other news, click tracks are done for my band so we're all ready to record 1st layers for the guitars.
Yeah first full length and my first studio recording experience. Our other guitarist is going to do all of it, so it's not going to be too stressful.

In other news, I went to a work friend's birthday thing last night and one of the girls that works in room service kept flirting with me. Hot Latvian piece of ass, but she's got a boyfriend and I've got a girlfriend. Oh, and I got a fucking parking ticket of $60 for not paying for a parking spot for 15 minutes when I went to go grab a kebab...
Awesome, good luck!

Man that is the best/worst. So much tension and you both know it'll end in a stalemate since neither party is single.
I too had a pretty fucking awesome weekend. Just got back from putting my girlfriend (:kickass:) on a bus home (:(). Going to a friend's place to drink (:kickass:) away the loneliness (:(). Moosehead is fucking win, btw.