The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Enjoying my first evening in this week. Not sure if I mentioned it here yet but I've been staying with my grandma and cousins in the Bay Area and volunteering at the UCSF Medical Center. It's been a good experience so far, but working full time for no money has seriously cut into my "lying around doing nothing" time. This past week we went to Ocean Beach and Chinatown after work. I've visited San Francisco before, but this trip has really cemented it as my favorite West Coast destination.
I already know my blood type. AB+ - universal recipient, I'm selfish.

As for the rest, I won't know until I get the results back in like a month. They will say "you are a little fat, prease exercise more" and the rest will be fine.
Just woke up.

We had a 15 minute epic hailstorm over here yesterday. The power was down up until the early morning today. With nothing to do, I just listened to Rome and Paysage d'Hiver til 1:30am, while staring out the window at the surprisingly crimson sky. Twas epic as fuck.
These three days were like a storm of alcohol and afrodisiacs.m Fucking shit, I don't remember a fucking shit, but I'm fucking destroyed.