The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Currently Im trying to figure out my educational future. Im going into to do a Skills Assessment on Friday, and it will help me figure out what I need to get into the programs that I am interested in. Honestly I wish I had at least a Grade 10 education, but whatever. Different paths I guess
As I recall, when you announced you were dropping out of high school everyone on here pointed out it wasn't a great idea.

So don't say we didn't tell you so.
I just realized that I've been a huge dick lately. I'm going to stop.

Krampus, if you're reading this, I'm sorry for calling you a fatty on facebook the other day. I didn't actually mean it. You just set yourself up for it and I had to take the opportunity.
I just realized that I've been a huge dick lately. I'm going to stop.

Krampus, if you're reading this, I'm sorry for calling you a fatty on facebook the other day. I didn't actually mean it. You just set yourself up for it and I had to take the opportunity.

Hahaha no apology needed, it was all in good fun!

Dick happens. I have been pretty ruthless on the internet myself these days, hard not to when boredom and shitty weather/physical discomfort from being too hot hit.
@panzerfaust Do you have a GED? I've got a couple GED-wielding friends who got their shit together and went to my school, which is extremely competitive if you're coming from regular high school.

Dropping out of high school isn't the end of the world by any means, just means you'll be a little older than your classmates in college if you wait a while.
a GED = high school diploma = you can pursue higher ed. Why did you drop out of HS to begin with if that's not too loaded a question?
Honestly, Im not quite sure. But life at the time ( and still somewhat now) what utterly chaotic and hopeless. I wont get into the specifics so I dont look like im begging for the sympathy card, but basically the repercussions made me have to support my family by paying all the bills and such.

But yeah at this point I really want to finish school and become over all more educated, a large focus being English.