The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

MASSIVE fucking storm lastnight. Huge amounts of wind, and nonstop lightning. Fuck ya!
Surprised there were no trees down.

I just farted and a guy at work said he could feel the heat, thankyou tacos.
I have met up a couple of times with a girl recently. She's gorgeous and interesting and we have some serious chemistry going on. I know she's keen too. It's a serious temptation and a serious dilemma, because my g/f in France is taking her sweet fucking time to organise her visa application, and that could take 6 months to process, and even then there are some big question marks over our future. I'm not about to throw away a 3 year relationship but it's something additional playing on my mind now. Fuck
Went to the market, wearing my Absurd shirt, and the grocery bagger (who looked completely normal) said "Nice taste in music dude," and "That's the German Absurd right?" :lol: The funny thing is, this happened at a restaurant too. Some white collar worker looking guy with a wife and kid were about to be seated, and he's like "Oh Absurd, great band, the released [some 7"] on [some label] right?".
Choking down a banana because I'm trying to eat breakfast these days.

Went to the market, wearing my Absurd shirt, and the grocery bagger (who looked completely normal) said "Nice taste in music dude," and "That's the German Absurd right?" :lol: The funny thing is, this happened at a restaurant too. Some white collar worker looking guy with a wife and kid were about to be seated, and he's like "Oh Absurd, great band, the released [some 7"] on [some label] right?".

Whenever I do this people just give me FILTHY looks and probably think I'm making fun of them. :(

@challenge_everything BEWARE OF THE TEMPTATION. Though some say the best way to deal with infidelity is to give in to it and get it out of your system...
Went to the market, wearing my Absurd shirt, and the grocery bagger (who looked completely normal) said "Nice taste in music dude," and "That's the German Absurd right?" :lol: The funny thing is, this happened at a restaurant too. Some white collar worker looking guy with a wife and kid were about to be seated, and he's like "Oh Absurd, great band, the released [some 7"] on [some label] right?".

I don't wear my Absurd shirt very much because I think one day somebody is going to see it and be like "RACITS!!1" and get all indignant and I don't feel like dealing with that.
that's silly, it's not like you're wearing one of those "Welcome to America! Now SPEAK ENGLISH" shirts

Yeah, I know. I'm talking about people who actually know who Absurd is. Granted, somebody who already knows who the band is is not likely to give a crap anyway, but I'm paranoid about encountering some leftist punk faggot who just so happens to know who Absurd is and wants to beat me up.