The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Got back from a weekend of camping at my friend's farm. Very hung over and burnt to shit, but everyone else is, too. Bussed up to Edmonton and drank with a few of my buddies on Thursday, then spent the next two days getting blackout drunk with about 15-20 people from uni out at the farm. One of the best weekends in a while.
So I'm in the woods again, waiting for my friends to arrive on wednesday. The biggest party of all will happen! So far I'm enjoying kvlt loneliness and cheap cigarettes. And some more blackmetal hopefully.
Found out I don't have class on Thursday because of some holiday or something. Drinking on a Wednesday? Fookin' eh I love Canada.
Tonight: chili + beer + junk food + 28 Days Later
And yes, drinking alone again. But I've been drinking with other people a lot, so I feel like I'm covering the full spectrum of drinking.

Man, I remember what it was like to be stuck in front of the computer with 5 beers, french fries and black comedians on youtube. Drinking alone is cool... sometimes.
Last night was fun, because I haven't just stayed in and indulged myself in a while (I've gone out and indulged myself). Looking forward to going out A LOT this weekend, though, which has been extended to 5PM Weds - midnight Sunday. If only there wasn't a midterm in between.
itt WAIF becomes an alcoholic :p jk d00d, glad you're livin' the life.

Just got the plates for my car today, gave it a wash, and now driving it to work. Weeeee.
I only got really drunk the one time...dunno what this is all about. I'm just new to drinking and find it more exciting so I post about it more than most people.
So I was just noodling around on my unplugged electric guitar when I suddenly noticed that when I pressed up the body against my wood desk, it sounded significantly louder. Holy shit, wood is an amplifier.
Oh come on guys WAIF is in his first month of living away from home in college/uni! If he's still "YEAHHH DRINKING" when he's 21 then we've got worrying to do.

I am in a good mood - no class today, ate breakfast for the first time in months and months (yogurt w/strawberries!), good hair day, naked hot springs date with a friend I haven't seen in ages after work.
Oh come on guys WAIF is in his first month of living away from home in college/uni! If he's still "YEAHHH DRINKING" when he's 21 then we've got worrying to do.

I am in a good mood - no class today, ate breakfast for the first time in months and months (yogurt w/strawberries!), good hair day, naked hot springs date with a friend I haven't seen in ages after work.

Obligatory pics or it didn't happen. :D
I just woke up. I been sleeping my days away and staying up all night/morning. This is cutting the internet/computer out of my life a lot in a way and I'm usually just on my phone now. I feel kind of good.