The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread


Learn to play a real instrument.

EDIT: ;)
Fucking playing guitar all day. This should feel cool, but it's honestly just stressful...if I get rejected at the audition my self-esteem will plummet and I'll probably drink too much and jump off of something tall. And it's such a simple-sounding song...fucking 16 bars of non-repeating open-position arpeggio bullshit. God damn it.
Sorry and good to hear at the same time sloughfegkillers.

I too have issues controlling my temper. It's been really good as of late and I haven't belted anyone across the face in a few years but I have mouthed off at absolute pricks of customers at where I work. Drunk people are not fun to be with.

Bosses are always going to be assholes in most jobs whereever you go, so don't expect that your next job is going to be better than the one you just lost. It's how you handle the situation. Suffice to say, doesn't look like your workplace was a great place to work in. I probably would have ended up doing exactly what you did if I lost my temper. But in a more mild state of mind, I would've done what krampus has mentioned. That's to say something mean to cut really deep into his personal security and actually walk out.

If it's anything to not lose when it comes to a job, it would be respect and integrity. Screw staying in a job if it means that you compromise your self respect.

Thanx mate,it certainly is a bitter sweet thing,I'm happy with myself for doing it but of course not happy about losing my job of over ten years.I held it together in there for years but sometimes only just,it's good to hear that there are others with similar moral standards and I agree that self respect and integrity are things that a person should maintain.
This is a really stupid and childish thing to say but I can't wait to come home and have a real job so I can do things like go to happy hour. There is no fucking happy hour here because the drinking nights are exactly like work with speeches, bowing, and having to run around pouring beer for the male teachers.

Man that sounds really weird, hah. Fucking conservative Asian cultures.
Back from checking out that band. Only the vocalist and keyboardist were there, but they were cool. The vocalist is the one running the show, and we seem to work well musically. The keyboardist was a cool dude and we actually just wrote a pretty awesome part on the spot just from me hearing him fuck around. It wasn't really a formal audition, but it's pretty obvious we're on the same level musically and I'm pretty sure I have the gig. Before I commit, though, I want to meet the rest of the band and satisfy myself that people not showing up for practice isn't gonna be a big issue.

About to go over to a friend's house for pre-gaming and then we're gonna go see the Misfits.
Enjoying a few beers and marathoning the most recent few Dr. Who episodes. I got a call from a friend to go bar-hopping in Portland, but I had already started drinking, and even if I sobered up in time to drive, I'd have to pay my folks gas money and explain why I drove an hour and not come back the next day. Playing it safe tonight, but next weekend I'll see if I can try again. It's lonely up here in the woods.

Bought this motherfucking 1995 Saturn this morning. Having a car ftw. I even threw a Human Mincer bumper sticker on it. Probably a lot more to come as it is prime bumper sticker fodder.

Oh my god. Oh my sweet, sweet tit-licking son of Mary and Joseph. Back the fun bus the fuck up. That cunt's a 1995 Saturn. Shit, man, I don't know what to say.

Don't get it, doucheface? Let me spell this bitch out for you:
- You can drive forward
- You can drive the fuck backward. Nobody's judging your shit. Am I? Fuck no.
- Old people drive in these, and those fuckers are wise as shit.
- Look at this smug, new-age motherfucker up there. Look at this smug motherfucker.
- Don't you look at that and think "I want to smear my ass all over that slut"?
- Motherfucker, please. You want to rape that bitch with your asscheeks.
- Christ Almighty, I could drive around in one of these bitches all day and not even give half a shit.

I am going out of my fucking mind just looking at this. I want to set it on fire and inject the ashes into my goddamn eyes.
It's his first car. Let him have his moment of joy.

I'm actually glad I don't have my own car yet (down payment, insurance, upkeep is expensive). Don't need one quite yet. Once I'm in grad school I probably will. But for now, I'm glad I'm best friends with my parents such that I can borrow their cars frequently. Sounds childish but it works for me.
Just got back from work. The store (and a few shops across the street for that matter) lost power for a good hour. Didn't effect me, but I'm glad it came back, because that would be thousands of dollars lost in food. Not that it directly effects me, but still, shit would suck.

On the topic of cars, once I get my license, and once my mom finally gets a new car, I'll be getting her semi old Coralla. Nothing incredibly special, but it runs nice.