The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Back from a happy hour with my company which took place at a local brewery (Legend). Lots of cool folks, plenty of beer, got a chance to show some actual personality for a change after being a software testing mole all week. Chatted for a while with one of my female coworkers who I hadn't seen since I got put on a project, and I'd forgotten how unbelievably hot she is. Like a fucking 11,000 out of 10. Dear holy Christ. Damn her to hell for being married.

This is a really stupid and childish thing to say but I can't wait to come home and have a real job so I can do things like go to happy hour. There is no fucking happy hour here because the drinking nights are exactly like work with speeches, bowing, and having to run around pouring beer for the male teachers.
Finally snapped at work today.Had a meeting with my boss about problems i've had with certain smartasses,one of whom is my union delegate.I was asked if I needed a witness and asked for said union delegate who refused,the dude refused because he was one of the main instigators and i'd decided that if I was gonna get the sack that i was going to belt this dude.Anyway as the meeting progressed I became aware that things were'nt going my way and blamed my boss for allowing smartass fuckwits to get away with being the way they are.I ended up getting out of my chair and hitting my boss a couple of times,it opened him up pretty good and now I don't have a job.At least now hopefully these dickheads will pull their heads in.It was a pretty funny fight he tried to fight back a bit and i pushed him through a window.Surprisingly even though now it will be very hard financially i'm kind've glad I did it.Fucking glad to be out of that hell hole and to get some sweet satisfaction.I was charged with assault and only just got back from the police station,even the cops agrreed with my reasons for doing it.Gotta try and think of something now to do with the rest of my life.It's gonna be hard to get another job now.maybe studying might be the way?
a person can and should only put up with so much,I reached that point a fair while ago.I always tried to treat ppl with respect,unfortunately some take kindness for weakness.It hopefully will mean changes for the majority of nice ppl who work there.Yes it was pretty sweet but pretty fucked up at the same time.
Realistically your boss will probably spin it and make you sound like a psycho (which could be the case from an objective viewpoint since you hit him without being hit first --> shows lack of self control/pride issues). Don't get me wrong, I have rage problems myself sometimes and I understand not wanting to put up with shit. What did the cops say?
Yes i do have some issues controlling my temper,it was suggested by my boss a while ago that i have anger management counselling but my view on that is,why should i have anger management,would'nt it be easier for them to just not be smartass fags.The cops said 'there must be some dickheads that work there and that now my exboss will have to sort it out'.Sucks though that i was the one to martyr my job for it though but i am passionate about treating others as i'd like to be treated.
Right...........wouldn't it have been similarly satisfying just to have said something really mean and cutting and then walked out?
Just an fyi considering I've done a lot of bidnazz on c-list; buying vehicles are considered cash sales and "as is." If you walked up to some guy with a contract or some shit for him to sign he'll probably tell you to go pound sand, I would. So if you decide to buy the car you better make sure it's in tip top shape, otherwise you'll be footing the bill for a lot of maintenance. Trust me I've gone through it. My advice to you would be not to give two shits about the person's feelings who is selling it. There's always a reason for why they are selling something, and if the deal is too good to be true, then it probably is.

That's not to say everyone is looking to rip someone else off. I have a clean conscience when it comes to selling stuff on c-list. I'm always up front about everything and like to give people good deals on stuff. Not everyone is the same no matter how much I want it to be so.

Well, there's a branch of my bank 2 minutes from where this guy lives. I could write him a cashier's/treasurer's check and we could both fucking go to the bank right then and there; he could get his money and I'd have a formal receipt. His listing says:

$800. 4 door, 147K miles, silver, auto., AM-FM cassette, PS, PW, AC. 4 new tires, new battery, current inspection sticker. Runs great, very dependable and economical. 30 MPG, 2nd owner. Have all service records. Title in hand.

I am gonna Carfax that shit tomorrow and check it out. I'll be going Saturday morning to test drive and hopefully pay for it.

What do you think of that listing though, honestly?
Finished with math for now. Guitar time. I am not ready at all for my audition, and it's tomorrow. And these fucking opera douchebags won't shut up. Death to opera/music with trumpets and flutes/lawnmowers/loud people/noise.
Sorry and good to hear at the same time sloughfegkillers.

I too have issues controlling my temper. It's been really good as of late and I haven't belted anyone across the face in a few years but I have mouthed off at absolute pricks of customers at where I work. Drunk people are not fun to be with.

Bosses are always going to be assholes in most jobs whereever you go, so don't expect that your next job is going to be better than the one you just lost. It's how you handle the situation. Suffice to say, doesn't look like your workplace was a great place to work in. I probably would have ended up doing exactly what you did if I lost my temper. But in a more mild state of mind, I would've done what krampus has mentioned. That's to say something mean to cut really deep into his personal security and actually walk out.

If it's anything to not lose when it comes to a job, it would be respect and integrity. Screw staying in a job if it means that you compromise your self respect.