The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I was accepted to the agro university but I don't feel like celebrating as I got fucking drunk yesterday to the point when I was recording myself pissing on street. That reminds me, I need to fuck somebody with my dick. I realized today that I know so many horny girls and I just have to fuck them.

If I posted my dick online it would get like 15 000 000 views in first minute and that would be just on your computer, sunflowers would move towards internet and older monitors would just freeze because having my dick displayed is like nirvana for a monitor.
That's my only beef with smoking dope. Everytime I get blazed I get so damn tired I end up passing out.

I remember one time I smoked some cronic that one of my Marine buddies got the last time I was in Chicago. That shit messed me up so bad I was high for damn near 9 hours. I don't know what it was laced with but I was beyond fucked. Mind you, this was off of a bowl and a half.

Thats a decent amount though, but that is a long time. I was high for about 3-4 hours off of a super small amount. If I had a bowl and a half I'd get beyond fucked up. A couple years ago I took one hit from this 4 foot bong and I went crazy for hours. I'd much rather get tired then wake up with a headache and puke, but weed doesn't really make me more tired then I already would be.
If I posted my dick online it would get like 15 000 000 views in first minute and that would be just on your computer, sunflowers would move towards internet and older monitors would just freeze because having my dick displayed is like nirvana for a monitor.

Post of the year?
I'm so fucking pissed. I was talking to my girlfriend on the phone who happens to have PMS right now. It takes only a spark to piss her off and as a result I am also pissed off. The thing is that she warns me that she easily gets pissed but at the same time her attitude is like "ok, because I have PMS I am allowed to get pissed because its physically justified", and therefore she gets pissed whenever she has a chance.

I. Fucking. Hate. PMS.
I'm so fucking pissed. I was talking to my girlfriend on the phone who happens to have PMS right now. It takes only a spark to piss her off and as a result I am also pissed off. The thing is that she warns me that she easily gets pissed but at the same time her attitude is like "ok, because I have PMS I am allowed to get pissed because its physically justified", and therefore she gets whenever she has a chance.

I. Fucking. Hate. PMS.

PMS and other supposed physical excuses to justify women acting like bitches are just that: excuses.
Fucking spewing,sitting here smoking a few cones.I just got suspened from work.It's kind've a long story which involves me screwing a co-workers misses,who became my girlfriend/ fiance.For ages I ignored her fagbook msgs because i'm not one to fuck with workmates misses.I told this dude at work to fucking sort his misses out but they split and i got with her but because of the way it happened i could never trust her.Anyway shit hit the fan today and yesterday at work,this dude is a so called karate expert and has confused my kindness for weakness for ages but i told him that he needs to not be a smartass at work and to see me outta work.I'm suspended from work and will most likely get the sack.I have a house to pay for and i think i'm fucked now,where's my dog gonna live.Fucking sluts can fuck your life up but if i do get the sack this cunt is gonna pay.:mad:
no offence to any females out there,i was just referring to this one in particular.
PMS and other supposed physical excuses to justify women acting like bitches are just that: excuses.

Well honestly I'm sure profusely bleeding and hurting like a motherfucker simultaneously aren't going to make you act like sunshine, as my girlfriend says. :p
Well honestly I'm sure profusely bleeding and hurting like a motherfucker simultaneously aren't going to make you act like sunshine, as my girlfriend says. :p

Its not that they have to act like sunshines, just not act like a bitch. If I would be allowed to act like total motherfucker for one week every three weeks for a price of goddamn anal bleeding and pain, I'd probably take advantage of it and piss everybody off with smoothely getting away with it. Just because I had opportunity to do so.
EWBID. Every woman's body is different.

PMS means you may be more inclined to be bitchy/cranky/weepy/sad/whatever, but we are humans not monkeys, self control. If a lady/bitch/cunt/whatever goes rage-mode on you, just tell her to calm down and come back when she's in a civil mood. Same way you'd deal with anyone else. PMS isn't much of a special condition considering over half of the people on earth have it.
Yeah. But you should be nice to her if she is sad. I cried like a dumbass for no reason at a Starbucks once in the height of PMS, and Man-Purse just sat with me saying "there, there" between stifled laughs while I bawled and bawled and everyone else there probably thought he had just dumped me at Starbucks.
Yeah. But you should be nice to her if she is sad. I cried like a dumbass for no reason at a Starbucks once in the height of PMS, and Man-Purse just sat with me saying "there, there" between stifled laughs while I bawled and bawled and everyone else there probably thought he had just dumped me at Starbucks.

This made me lol