The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

GF broke up with me because her ex is a fucking prick and she's either fucking weak or just doesn't give a shit about me or quite possibly both. Can't say I didn't see this coming, if only because I never get the things I really want in life. Going clubbing with my friend and her boyfriend and his friends. Not really in the mood to dance but whatever. Fuck my life.
I've got a new avatar. So fuck you.

I can't remember but I think some other poster from years and years ago had the same avatar. If someone can remember who then I'll change it.
Well, now I'm properly drunk and my drinking buddy is making out with her boyfriend...not going clubbing but we're gonna hit up a bar so it's all good. I just don't want to think right now. I think she thought she cared but if she really did then when her ex said "it's him or me" she wouldn't have put up with that shit, she would have pointed out that that's fucking bullshit. She's gonna wind up with him in the end but whatever...her life is a mess and I really wanted to be with her and be there for her and help her but it's increasingly clear that she's not the person I thought she was. I can't go back to being friends with her, which sucks because when we were friends we talked pretty much every day and she's the only person I had that frequent contact with so it's like a piece of my life is missing but I guess that's what I get for caring. I can't wait till August when school starts for real and I can find some girls my age without serious emotional problems. Or even with serious emotional problems that don't involve leading me on, sleeping with me, telling me she wants me, starting a relationship, and then fucking hurting me like this. Have I ever told you guys how awesome alcohol is? I don't even give a fuck right now. Except my friend is definitely fucking right now and I'm a tad jealous, but whatever. Her BF puts her through a ton of shit so she totally deserves it. I need to go to the bathroom but I think that's where they are.
Kinda sounds like what happened to me,some bitches are just cruel.Yeah go rub one out and try and get through this bad night and then bury your head in a good RPG like Demon's Souls like I have.Too busy grinding my character up a few lvls to worry about stupid ex.And after a while alcohol only makes things worse and do stupid shit if you're too hung up on her.
Nah. Apparently DB wasn't fucking. At home now (had to use bathroom, they were in bathroom). They're coming to get me and we're going to a bar. Gonna get really wasted, pass out, and wake up hating life tomorrow. Good times. Video games is good advice, I need to find one that'll make me stop caring about other shit such as this fucking cunt. Except homework, 'cuz I should care about that but not right now.
At a friends house just got done drinking Warsteiner and some rum called "Kraken" (better than capn morgan imo) everyone else is asleep, but I'm a nightowl and internet addict so I had tocheck out what's up before going to bed. We played some poker too and I came ohut a massive $.80 ahead on my 5$ investment!