The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Probably what he had in mind when he said that is the fact that the salt from salt water gets stuck in your hair and all over your body, which feels really gross.
Woke up with an acceptable hangover, watched some It's Always Sunny, went and got breakfast. Now more Always Sunny, and then I'll try to do homework. I've found that getting drunk is actually really, really good for cheering me up because I can actually stop thinking about anything beyond my immediate surroundings. It's Always Sunny is also great for similar reasons. Calculus, on the other hand, is gonna suck. But at least today the trumpets are practicing next door, so I won't be able to concentrate on being sad.
Probably what he had in mind when he said that is the fact that the salt from salt water gets stuck in your hair and all over your body, which feels really gross.

Yeah pretty much.

I just took a dip in a pond down the street, and I honestly don't feel the need to take a shower. Now if I was swimming in the ocean, I'd be in the shower as soon as I got home.
Woke up with an acceptable hangover, watched some It's Always Sunny, went and got breakfast. Now more Always Sunny, and then I'll try to do homework. I've found that getting drunk is actually really, really good for cheering me up because I can actually stop thinking about anything beyond my immediate surroundings. It's Always Sunny is also great for similar reasons. Calculus, on the other hand, is gonna suck. But at least today the trumpets are practicing next door, so I won't be able to concentrate on being sad.

Only on the internet will someone bare their soul and then get criticized for sentence structure. But seriously there were some heinous runon sentences in their WAIF.

Runon sentences are infinitely better than the dreaded fuck up of "they're," "there" and "their." I hope that was supposed to be tongue in cheek - I'll assume it is.

WAIF you'll be fine. You don't need Chinaman bitches with mental problems in your life.
Getting raged at Street Fighter 4. My situation will not be fucking stable or progressing, I had 1620 fight points but then I suddenly got back to 1200 points. I think I am good but then some newb comes in tries some unpredictable noob-ish "technique" and I get fucked up by sheer accident. Fuck this game, though I know I will spend another 4 hours playing it.
I think I deserve some sort of medal for posting drunk and depressed and still spelling and conjugating every word properly, sentence structure be damned.
Watching Neon Genesis Evangelion.

Let me ruin the plot for you really quick here.

Shinji, Rei, and Aika (if I remember their names correctly, which I probably didn't) are all the things that people dislike about themselves and each other. Their personalities are amplified when they are in their giant mech alien warriors that bleed. Shinji is a manbitch and whines and cries so much that it interferes with his interaction with other people. He always looks at the floor and is ashamed of his performance in everything he's done since he was born. He throws fits of manbitchy rage in his mech.

Rei is quiet, and because of this, she gives people a variety of bad vibes, because communication is necessary for people to like you and feel attracted to you. She is just as silent in her mech.

Aika is loud and bombastic, and has diarrhea of the mouth, which tends to turn people off because they don't really need to know what song she's listening to or whether she needs to poop. To top it all off, she is a shallow bitch. She gets louder and talks mad shit in her mech.

By the time the ending comes around, you feel oddly pleased to watch everyone in their entire agency die.