Garbage Connoisseur
Getting raged at Street Fighter 4. My situation will not be fucking stable or progressing, I had 1620 fight points but then I suddenly got back to 1200 points. I think I am good but then some newb comes in tries some unpredictable noob-ish "technique" and I get fucked up by sheer accident. Fuck this game, though I know I will spend another 4 hours playing it.
I dont really play fighters online because I always have a laggy connection... but SF4 seemed really easy. I played on the easiest setting for about a week or two (like I do with all fighters when I first get them, kind of like just the step above practice) I finally tried medium, beat it first try and so on up to the maximum difficulty. Didnt ever strike me as very hard. Sagat just blows through everyone like tissue...
The game disappointed me... It needed more characters... or challenges... or something.
Characters I had fun with: Abel, E.Honda, Zangief... anyone with a big powerful throw.
Bosses that abuse the fuck out of teleporting bug the crap out of me.