The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Getting raged at Street Fighter 4. My situation will not be fucking stable or progressing, I had 1620 fight points but then I suddenly got back to 1200 points. I think I am good but then some newb comes in tries some unpredictable noob-ish "technique" and I get fucked up by sheer accident. Fuck this game, though I know I will spend another 4 hours playing it.

I dont really play fighters online because I always have a laggy connection... but SF4 seemed really easy. I played on the easiest setting for about a week or two (like I do with all fighters when I first get them, kind of like just the step above practice) I finally tried medium, beat it first try and so on up to the maximum difficulty. Didnt ever strike me as very hard. Sagat just blows through everyone like tissue...

The game disappointed me... It needed more characters... or challenges... or something.

Characters I had fun with: Abel, E.Honda, Zangief... anyone with a big powerful throw.

Bosses that abuse the fuck out of teleporting bug the crap out of me. :zzz:
The only way to play SF4 is at the arcade while chain smoking and sweating profusely. I am not an otaku with a copy at home so I always lose when dudes with actual gaming cards come in.
I dont really play fighters online because I always have a laggy connection... but SF4 seemed really easy. I played on the easiest setting for about a week or two (like I do with all fighters when I first get them, kind of like just the step above practice) I finally tried medium, beat it first try and so on up to the maximum difficulty. Didnt ever strike me as very hard. Sagat just blows through everyone like tissue...

The game disappointed me... It needed more characters... or challenges... or something.

Characters I had fun with: Abel, E.Honda, Zangief... anyone with a big powerful throw.

Bosses that abuse the fuck out of teleporting bug the crap out of me. :zzz:

As I posted before on gamers thread my character is El Fuerte. I mostly play online, and arcade mode annoys me a lot. When I come with contact with players that use Sagat he is pretty easy.

The thing is that El Fuerte has very quick attacks that can come from above or below so I can confuse the fuck out of people whether to block in crouching position or in standing position. This technique is pretty effective on characters like Ryu, Ken and Sagat. Gamers often pick Abel, he is strong and frustrating as hell. Blanka is fucking impossible once people know how to play him and I get so fucking angry playing with him I punch myself in the face. Chun-Li is also very hard.

By the way, I am using a keyboard so I am pretty much limited when executing some combos.
Just got off the phone with Dad. My mom is on a geneaology family tree rampage and apparently dad is a distant relative of Robert E. Lee. YEEEEEEHAAAWWWWW
I returned from Obscene Extreme three days back and now I finally think I'm out of hangover. Today I went to my cottage in woods again to spend most of the summer on fresh air. The atmosphere of big cities in hot weather is shit and not for me tbh.
Watching this:

Akercocke vs. Irish Christians 1-0, Haha.
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Trying to find an apartment close to campus that's not overly expensive and isn't a shit hole. What a fucking waste of time.

Maybe I'll just buy an older camper van and slum it for a year. Take my showers at the campus gym. Cruise neighborhoods around school looking for wireless internet.

Rape a 14 year old.
Stuck at work during summer holidays. Nothing to do until August 23rd or something, and a week til my vacation. I would go for a walk but I have a popped blister on the back of my heel and it's so hot out that I sweat like a hambeast when I take a 45 second bathroom break at school.
I try to see how many fingers I can fit in my asshole at once. I'm up to 8, gonna shoot for 9 this afternoon after I eat kimchi for lunch.

Honestly I just read Wikipedia for a few hours, go for a walk if it's not too hot out to burn off a few calories, drink lots of water, call my mom (not kidding), read fashion magazines, and read books. I am out of books so I am going to the bookstore later to pick up a classic novel or two. I might also bring back the age-old tradition of illustrated outfit-based packing lists like I did when I was 11.
Dude, that's insane. I fucking want that job.

I never have enough free time to set new fingers-in-asshole records.
Oh I forgot, I also play games on my iPod and watch movies in the English office.

Grant you're qualified, you could do this job.

The scary wrestling coach is screaming at a kid right next to me. This is pretty good.