The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Making coffee. I got drunk yesterday and ended up walking over to my dads last night in the rain. At the end of the road a girlfriend of mine's husband walked passed me .:zombie: crazy I know
Trying to get off the computer in order to get some sleep... Since I live in northern Europe there's only like 7-8 hours before school...
I was about to join the justin bieber forum and claim that I'm his girl and bitch fight with the teen girls on it.

cba tho
She hates me, she hates herself, her bother hates me, i hate me, i hate him, i hate her etc.... :lol: fuck it, tomorrow is a new day so whatever who knows. i don't even fucking care so whatever. A bunch of idiots is we. BWAH HA!

You fucks.
Hm, interesting evening. I had resolved to go to bed extra early tonight since I've lost way too much sleep over the past week or so. Put on Steely Dan's Two Against Nature while in bed, and ended up still awake by the end of it and in a rather morbid brooding state due in part to the music. Got up, kept the lights off in my room, and wrote a decent poem about getting nowhere in life.

Was still feeling very gloomy after that, and not at all tired. Did some situps/curls for a few minutes, then put on trance music and danced nonstop for about half an hour, until drenched in sweat and feeling awesome. Pretty well played for a random weeknight.
I had a life from around 16,18 where I worked on a ranch. I did not see it, but it was the best life I ever had.
...and it's Apathetic Week down at Greys HQ, in which he will post many comments about how his life is shit but whatever, he doesn't care, fuck everyone, he hopes we all die but whatever.
Hm, interesting evening. I had resolved to go to bed extra early tonight since I've lost way too much sleep over the past week or so. Put on Steely Dan's Two Against Nature while in bed, and ended up still awake by the end of it and in a rather morbid brooding state due in part to the music. Got up, kept the lights off in my room, and wrote a decent poem about getting nowhere in life.

Was still feeling very gloomy after that, and not at all tired. Did some situps/curls for a few minutes, then put on trance music and danced nonstop for about half an hour, until drenched in sweat and feeling awesome. Pretty well played for a random weeknight.

Endorphins are real, bro. Next time put on some hardcore and try to learn the Melbourne Shuffle!
Staying up waaay too late to finally finish arranging and tabbing a song I've been working on on-and-off for I guess about 3 years now. Now to file it away and let it rot while I gradually try to redirect my current band.