The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Some prose:

I know, this is just a summary of what I’ve seen today. Just two fucking fat bitches among the immense fucking amount of bitchery that is all around. But it was just like that. Two fucking vaginas hidden in a fucking universe of fat, that you could never go through, even if you were a fucking sauropod dinosaur with a loli fetish.

I saw plenty of those creatures. It was dark. And it was in a bus. The fat slut. The fat cunt of absurd proportions chewing a fucking chocolate bar. I just never see a good looking chick fellating chocolate like that. It was more than just oral sex with the thing. It was love. It was a whale loving water. It was a dolphin loving water. It was a fucking shark loving water. It was a fucking fat slutty cunt loving a fucking bar of chocolate.

The bitch. It had painted eyebrows. Why. Why does it do so. I CAN’T FUCKING IMAGINE ANY FUCKING CREATURE THAT WOULD FIND THAT FUCKING SHIT ATTRACTIVE. Not even a fucking inbred goblin. And that next vulva next to her, with a human female body around it, it had this shit too. The motherfucking line representing a fucking eyebrow. A parody of a body part.

I‘m glad that I am what I am, because - I don’t have to be the guy who just gets there. The guy, the hero. The splendid man, who has the courage, the physical ability, and the fucking will to carry on finding a clitoris in that absurd quantity of flesh. Nobody has to be. That’s why I hate depressive people. Yes. The stupid fucking people with depressions.

Get a fucking connection to a fucking internet and find some diseases that you don’t have. Look at the pictures. How easy is that? Then go out (!!!) and find the most hideous person possesing a vagina. Ask her about life. Ask her about other stuff. And then feel good. You don’t fucking have to find her attractive. She’s a female.


So I was waiting there. On the bus stop. There was a black guy fighting with a gypsy girl. They were speaking czech, but I still couldn’t understand a single word of what they were saying. Their lives had to be painful. But not painful enough. I would be happy to make them suffer more. I would cut them with anything I owned.

Then, my bus arrived. I like it when buses arrive, because you just can tell. Buses just fart their way towards you. Not like other cars which just go around you and you can tell by the frequency of the noise that they’re making: that bitch is not the fuck going to take you home. Compare it to the fat bitch that arrives next. A bus farting it’s way towards you. A fucking crawling box of space. You can just enter it’s dimension and observe homeless sluts‘ nipples firmly hidden in filthy clothes.

You will soon be home.
Hey, i don't see any comments on your blog. Is there a way?

Onder said:
I went to her and I said „look, bitch, if you talk to me for thirty minutes, I have the right to grab your genitals“. She walked away. I was confused.

edit #2: 2nd paragraph of your above post wins :lol:
Maybe gonna play some Starcraft online. I'm a bit hesitant because so many douchebags love to cannon rush. They're probably such n00bs that they wouldn't know what to do with eight void rays, four carriers, two colossi, and a mothership.
Just thinking about the future, specifically with a certain person whom I'm hoping to keep in my life. She's going through a hard time right now, and I hope everything gets better for her :(
zabu of nΩd;9985078 said:
Hey, i don't see any comments on your blog. Is there a way?

I don‘t know! I wish I knew. I really don‘t understand this tumblr.
NASA has confirmed major solar flares in the last few days and through 9/11 would be the "danger" time frame. Power outages were possible but "unlikely".