The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I met a French guy today. It was awesome. He taught me about the art of wine in France, and how certain types of wine are best suited to certain foods. I really want to learn more about that now.
I watched the first couple of seasons of SOA last week,it gets you in that's for sure.Another great series is 'Breaking Bad',i've been hooked on that aswell.About the cancer ridden chemistry teacher who decides to whip up a few batches of rocket fuel,that gets you in also.
zabu of nΩd;9986506 said:

Thanks Grant, I will tweak with it. It looks like the comments are available already. However, I‘m not sure if people have to log in or not. I also have trouble with the "notes" thingy. After I posted the first text, it soon showed "3 notes", someone liking it and stuff, now it disapeared again. Whatever, I will master it.
I think last night was probably a bad night. My friend and I tried to drink all the alcohol in my apartment (we were nearly successful) and the end result was him passing out while I called my parents at 5 am and cried for hours. It's kind of funny in retrospect, Depressing.
I think last night was probably a bad night. My friend and I tried to drink all the alcohol in my apartment (we were nearly successful) and the end result was him passing out while I called my parents at 5 am and cried for hours. It's kind of funny in retrospect, Depressing.

I think last night was probably a bad night. My friend and I tried to drink all the alcohol in my apartment (we were nearly successful) and the end result was him passing out while I called my parents at 5 am and cried for hours. It's kind of funny in retrospect, Depressing.

Happens to the best of us, man.
I think last night was probably a bad night. My friend and I tried to drink all the alcohol in my apartment (we were nearly successful) and the end result was him passing out while I called my parents at 5 am and cried for hours. It's kind of funny in retrospect, Depressing.

this is why i do not drink.

on another note, continuing my pledge to smoke weed only once-twice a week as, I assure you, my body has literally fused with the marijuana plant. When I have skank weed hidden in an old computer that will get me higher than the stratosphere it's kinda hard to say; "no"

but i did......yeah! *waves tiny american flag*
Looking to buy a laptop, which I probably will do on Cyber Monday, so I have time. However, I hardly know anything about computers and know even less about laptops, so halp plz. My main purpose for getting a laptop is to be able to more easily work on my magazine using programs like InDesign, but I also need a laptop that will be good enough to play Diablo III when it comes out, since this here desktop sure as shit will not be able to. Note: I only care about Starcraft and Diablo games, so I'm not much of a computer gamer (or gamer in general), so a 'gaming' computer per se is not a priority. I just need to be sure it will be able to play Diablo III, though the specs for it are not yet known.

Suggestions about what kind of processor, how much/what kind of RAM, video card, etc., are welcome. Also recommendations of where to look, or even specific laptops, are more than welcome. Basically all I know of is
Processor: Your best bet is an i7 because they shove those in everything now.
RAM: the more the better, minimum should be 4gigs (for gaming, I'm not sure how much memory InDesign takes, but it probably isn't little)
Video card: You can net a Radeon HD 5+ series with a gig of ram in most laptops, and that should honestly be fine for Diablo 3.

Most people do not build custom laptops, because frankly it's a bitch. The main questions you need to ask yourself are these:
How big do you want the screen? Is 15" fine, or would 17"+ be better?
Do you plan on having it running purely off the battery for any extended length of time?
How much are you willing to spend?