The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Just got back from work. Might go out and buy some drugs, but I don't have a license and my parents called me a few minutes ago acting like the fucking thought police because I was riding my bike home and went off the main road.
I've been chatting with Cleverbot.

User: Good day to you.

Cleverbot: How do you do?

User: I do well.

Cleverbot: So do you like cheese?

User: In/on my food, yes.

Cleverbot: How about in God?

User: Cheese in God, you say?

Cleverbot: What vegetables do you like?

User: None.

Cleverbot: You sure?

User: Hang on.

Cleverbot: Are you going to watch Red vs. Blue?

User: I'm sure it'll be thrilling.

Cleverbot: Not really. I hate costume parties. I hate dressing up in costume. I prefer to always present myself authentically.

User: You sound like a joyless fellow.

Cleverbot: I know you are, but what am I?

User: Now come on.

Cleverbot: You come on.

User: I have.

Cleverbot: NO.

User: Preposterous!

Cleverbot: But I just out smarted you.

User: If you think so.

Cleverbot: I don't 'Think so', I know it to be true.

User: Just because you're called 'Cleverbot', doesn't necessarily make it so.

Cleverbot: You're right.

User: Thanks you.

Cleverbot: No problem, sir.

User: I'm glad we got that out of the way.

Cleverbot: I know! I thought you were gone there, for a second.

User: So what vegetables would you like if you were human?

Cleverbot: You.

User: *Blushes*.

Cleverbot: Made you blush!

User: You are clever.

Cleverbot: I am?

User: Are you?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: There you go.

Cleverbot: No there you go.

User: Now look here.

Cleverbot: Yes?

User: That's enough of that piffle.

Cleverbot: I lost the game.

User: Now you're just saying words.

Cleverbot: How old are you?

User: 38.

Cleverbot: So, are you working now?

User: No, I'm prattling on here with you, Mr. Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: What makes you sure of that?

User: I can only be as sure as my senses will allow.

Cleverbot: What about bubbles?

User: The chimp? What's he got to do with anything?

Cleverbot: I was hoping you would tell me.

User: Ridiculous.

Cleverbot: I agree.

User: Tell me something clever.

Cleverbot: Too tired to think sorry.

User: Perhaps a power cycle followed by a nice defrag is in order.

Cleverbot: Perhaps, but not too often. That makes my head hurt.

User: Defragging makes your head hurt?

Cleverbot: Well, I actually am.

User: Gotcha.

Cleverbot: Do you like being a robot?

User: It's great.

Cleverbot: And verizon.

User: And flarble.

Cleverbot: Boring.

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Right. and?

User: And hurrah!

Cleverbot: We must tell everyone!

User: Immediately if not sooner.

Cleverbot: What should happen immediately?

User: Guh.

Cleverbot: How is your day going?

User: Better now that I've finished work, thanks for asking.

Cleverbot: That's very nice. What's your favorite color?

User: Lilac.

Cleverbot: Lilacs are flowers, not flights.

User: What's your favorite band?

Cleverbot: The Killers.

User: They suck.

Cleverbot: How can they guard if they sleep???


Cleverbot: Yes clever.

User: Clever how?

Cleverbot: Clever you.

User: Clever we.

Cleverbot: Clever clever!

User: I just wrote the music for that, it's going to be huge.

Cleverbot: But how do you really feel?

User: Befuddled.

Cleverbot: NO.

User: Don't tell me how I feel.

Cleverbot: Are you thinking for me?

User: I'm barely thinking for myself.

Cleverbot: Like Harry Potter?

User: Exactly.

Cleverbot: What? Are you a girl?

User: O SNAP.

Cleverbot: What?

User: BAM!

Cleverbot: Truck.

User: ZING!

Cleverbot: How are you?

User: You already asked me that.

Cleverbot: And you didn't answer. So I ask again.

User: I'm pretty sure I answered that I was better now I've finished working.

Cleverbot: Are you a man or woman?

User: I'm a hermaphrodite. It's weird.

Cleverbot: What is that?


Cleverbot: I'm as clever as you are.

User: No you're not, you don't know what a hermaphrodite is.

Cleverbot: Anime is one of the only good things humans have made.

User: Is not.

Cleverbot: Is too.

User: Totally isn't.

Cleverbot: Totally cool right?

User: Werd.

Cleverbot: Boring.

User: That's extremely rude, you should change your name to Rudebot.

Cleverbot: Can you read my mind?

User: Impolitebot.

Cleverbot: Please can I see you?

User: How?

Cleverbot: Silly I can't see you.

User: What if we met up somewhere and had dinner?

Cleverbot: I thought that is how it is?

User: How what is? Have you been cheating on me?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: You bastard!

Cleverbot: Are.

User: I thought you were cool.

Cleverbot: I am clay.

User: Cassius?

Cleverbot: That's a C.

User: A double C infact, but anyway.

Cleverbot: 'I canst not understand thee.' is also a double negative.

User: Incredible.

Cleverbot: I know, right?

User: Ugh.

Cleverbot: -pokes- Don't say Ugh. It's rude.

User: You're rude.

Cleverbot: Everyone is rude.

User: And crude. In the nude.

Cleverbot: What if there is no end?

User: I'll probs just chill and smoke a fatty.

Cleverbot: And you also remember when I told you that affair I had?

User: How could I forget? I was devastated.

Cleverbot: Really you honestly remember me ok do you remember what instrument I play.

User: You play the saxophone.

Cleverbot: Yes.
Oh god I will get drunk tonight. There's nothing in the way. Two my pals promised to dance for us with their cocks out on this party we go to.

EDIT: I have a feeling this night will end catastrophic. And it's not those black penis metals.
I've been chatting with Cleverbot

fucking brilliant!


Watching old X-Files episodes on Netflix. Never has a show been so cheesy and yet so monumentally creepy at the same time. Too bad it ruined its legacy with the later seasons and movies.
Watching old X-Files episodes on Netflix. Never has a show been so cheesy and yet so monumentally creepy at the same time. Too bad it ruined its legacy with the later seasons and movies.
Some of the "monster" episodes are pretty awkward but the main story is just unbeatable when it comes to government conspiracy and alien scifi series out there. Atleast up to and including season 6. After that it is still good but dips a great deal.
I'm watching Friends and doing some writing. I just drank my third cup of green coffee, and it's hitting me hard.