The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Back from a weekend trip to DC/Maryland. Yesterday I met up with Vimana at the Reason Rally in DC, an atheist rally with thousands of attendees and a number of famous speakers (Richard Dawkins, Bill Maher, Adam from Mythbusters, etc). It was awesome to see so many atheists in one place, and to feel the momentum of rational thought breaking into the mainstream of society. I got a late start unfortunately and missed most of the cool speakers, but Richard Dawkins was magnificent.

Vimana is a cool guy, and we had a blast after the rally strolling around downtown DC while stoned silly, talking our asses off about life, the universe, and all the monumental Romanesque buildings around us filled with rotting bureaucracies. Many parts of the city look far more picturesque and powerful at night than they do in the day. Super memorable weekend overall, and i look forward to chilling with Vimana again in the future.
It was fucking awesome. I was scared to have weed on me in the McDonald's when the cops were there, until I heard them talking about weed. It was way more fun than hanging out with the dumbass stoners that live around here.

I think I may have forgot to tell you this, Grant, but before you got there, one of those protesters against the rally was holding a sign, and a man came over and told him he was gay. The guy said "you're not a real man," and he responded "I'm a real man, and I fuck men!"
Got 2.5 hours of sleep last night. Still made it to my morning class and went to the gym like a BOSS. I feel so good because when my alarm went off, I would have given anything to just go back to sleep for a couple days, and I almost did, but I managed to make myself get up and it was all worth it. After my workout I feel gloriously energized, although that monster drink is currently doing terrible things to my insides. Time to have a brownie, play Mass Effect 3 till it kicks in, then play guitar all night. Good fucking times ahead unless I just crash. Which is pretty likely.
Speaking of monster. Why did they name that job website It doesn't strike me as a professional name for a site that is pushing 6-figure salary positions.
I'm tempted to order a pizza and put "make it look like a forever alone face" in the extra instructions thing.
2 days ago i went to the social security office to try to have my disability check turned back on, their aparently fucked-up computer said that i was still in jail, even though i'd been out of jail for a whole freaking week, they said i'd need to bring them "release papers" so that i could prove to them that i wasn't still in jail (my phisical prescence in the social security office wasn't good enough o_O) but i did't have any "release papers" because Dallas County Jail doesn't give out release papers anymore, i'm gonna go out there again a little later today and see if i can straighten this out
@monoxide maybe you can get the jail to call or write a letter to the SS office and give them the info they need.
Gettin hella buzzed off some more Olde English 800. Gonna watch a movie and hit the sack. These 10 hour days are wearing me down. Especially including my workouts after work. I'm beat.